In her nightmare, Willow was terrified and tightly clung to the man’s arm. In reality, she was also holding a man’s arm, and as her tiny face snuggled closer, she eventually fell asleep with her face resting against his arm.

As the first ray of dawn poured in, Jasper was awoken by birds chirping. He was about to get up when his body sensed that one of his arms was being tightly embraced by someone. Hence, he turned his head to see Willow asleep with her face pressed against his biceps, where she was clinging to him like a clingy little cat. Despite the bright sunlight streaming in through the window, he noticed the girl’s face was as pure and translucent as a peeled egg, and it was smooth and tender, with every feature clearly visible and a stark contrast to his tanned skin.

Then, he attempted to withdraw his arm, but the more he pulled, the tighter she clung to it in her sleep, as if she regarded his arm as a pillow. With a soft sigh, he continued to lie down to allow her to hold onto him a little longer, hoping she would release his arm later. Half an hour later, he got out of bed after she flipped over and released her grip on his arm.

Since they were staying in a large camper van with a water purification system, he took a bucket and went outside to collect water from a mountain spring.

space beside her, Willow could not help but open her eyes. Where’s Jasper? Following this, she got out of bed, opened the door to

her eyes was a lush green meadow filled with unfamiliar wildflowers and surrounded by towering trees, creating a tranquil and fragrant

was about to stretch lazily, she saw Jasper standing off in the distance, immobile, and she wondered if he had discovered something fascinating or intriguing there. Piqued by curiosity, she walked quietly in the direction of the man. Since the soft grass muffled her footsteps, he didn’t notice her even though she was only three feet

surveillance in the area, his wristwatch would trigger an alarm whenever anyone came too close. On the other hand, he was

voice behind him, asking, “Hey! What are you doing?” Instantaneously, Jasper

happening. Her face turned beet red with embarrassment, and

bleeding with embarrassment. Even as she approached the camper van, her heart was still pounding

tree nearby. Biting her lip, she mustered up some courage and repeatedly told herself not to feel embarrassed. Contrary to her expectations, he appeared even calmer than she did, and as he pointed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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