When they parted ways, the little girl introduced herself. “Hello, my name is Shirley Lloyd. Will you come to play with me in the future?”

At the age of ten, Zacharias was already 5-feet tall, while four-year-old Shirley was only about 3-feet tall.

For some people, even just one meeting was unforgettable. Zacharias’ childhood lacked much joy, with heavy academic burdens and extremely high expectations from his parents. He had no friends. So, when he saw a carefree little girl, he envied her.

Unexpectedly, nineteen years later, they met again under these circumstances. However, he thought that the little girl from back then probably wouldn’t remember him because a person’s earliest memories started at around six or seven years old, so he was the only one who remembered the encounter.

Zacharias recognized her at first sight, but this little girl was just a passing guest in his life. Therefore, he didn’t pay special attention to her.

after last night’s sparring. Moreover, what made her interesting wasn’t just her skills but also her belonging to an

prepare the vegetables. I’m very busy right now,” Corinne requested. Shirley took

Mr. Flintstone doesn’t like spicy food. Can you make it a bit milder?” Shirley offered a

the vegetables, Shirley went to the laundry room. The clothes that had just been dried needed to be taken out, ironed, and then hung in the

felt somewhat speechless. She had never even ironed her father’s clothes, yet now she found herself coming here every day to iron a

one more item left in the dryer. As

awkward while holding the underwear in her hands, but she patiently ironed it as well. After she finished ironing, she carried

her in the corridor. Holding the

beautiful features, slender figure, and graceful demeanor were

was standing in front of her and felt his gaze on her. She couldn’t help but feel nervous and flustered. Could he have really

was the smallest piece -the black briefs. It fell onto the golden carpet and was especially eye-catching. She lowered her head

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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