Chapter 1325 Someone Is Causing Trouble Here

After hanging up on Linda, Nicole came to the underground exit of the airport.

She had just hailed a cab when her cell phone rang again.

She assumed it was Linda again.

She answered without glancing at her phone. "Linda Benett, do you not understand English? Are you not done?"

She disliked people who rambled, even more so if it was Linda.

She would even have an impulse to hit Linda if Linda was before her.

But she didn't know that it wasn't Linda’s voice on her phone.

It was her good friend, Poppy Wilbank.

"Linda? It's Lollipop. Isn't Linda dead?"

Nicole's gaze froze. "I called you the wrong name. Didn't I tell you I was going to Moranta? What's up?"

Nicole's tightly furrowed brows only relaxed when she heard her best friend's voice.

But she had been affected by Linda and wasn't in a good mood.

mood recently, so I got you a table at Stowaway Bar. Enjoy yourself

of her good

know me best. I'll look for

fun, and have a

didn't tell Nicole that other than booking a table for her

done, Poppy was her best

to go to places like these in a

Nicole arrived at Stowaway Bar

city center of Moranta. It was

had booked the best spot for her, a booth on the deck. She could look down at everything in

and beverages

never imagined that three different male models

server even said, "Hello, pretty lady. This is the special

models were tall with fair

shirts with a few open buttons, revealing

physiques, but they weren't

brows. "I want a refund. I don't need such

services purchased in advance at our bar

in a foreign language,

forcefully promoting your

of Linda, and Nicole grew more displeased with

can leave if

a calm voice as if used

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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