Chapter 42

I hummed softly, "Not a bad suggestion. I'll think it over."

"You really should," Fanny paused before adding, "Felicia, the best way to forget someone and move on from a relationship is to dive into a new one as quickly as possible."

"Okay, Fanny, got it," I said before hanging up. Lying on my bed, I let my thoughts drift.

Soon, I could hear Ernest's firm and steady footsteps outside, unmistakable to my ears.

Then came the faucet twisting, followed by our landlady Ethel's nagging voice, "How come it's just you? Where's Licia?"

I didn't hear Ernest's reply, only his request, "Please, no onions in the clam chowder."

Hearing that, I couldn't help but laugh, though my laughter quickly turned into tears. Living with the Wagner family over the years, I'd gotten used to eating onions, even though I never touched them when I was with my parents back home.

I moved into the Wagner family engaged to Conrad, and Jacqueline insisted I was like a

not wanting to seem too delicate or fussy, like forcing myself to eat onions even though

dreamt that Ernest and I were

and Ernest?" Ethel asked me at the

interrupted, I grumbled, "We were about to get


"You two were about to get a marriage license just like that? Wouldn't you date a bit first?" I just

Licia. You've got an eye for quality. You'll regret it if you let a good man like Ernest go. If

help but burst into

If you don't make a move fast, that young widow will," Ethel

at the table. I


the rich flavor. "Ernest's

not full time," Ethel explained,

I meant I dreamt about getting one." My explanation earned me an eye roll from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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