Chapter 53

Conrad lounged in his chair, sharply dressed in a black suit, a white shirt, and a tie with stars. I had given him that tie for his birthday last year. He never wore it, and he probably wasn't fond of it. Yet, he was donning the tie again after we parted ways.

Conrad's expression was grim, his gaze fixed on me, harboring a fierce intensity.

I knew what was irking him, but I calmly initiated, "What can I do for you, Mr. Wagner?"

"Where have you been these days?" His tone was icy.

"Taking my holiday!" I responded, deliberately missing his point.

Conrad's fingers twitched on the desk. "I mean, where did you go?"

"Galaxy Harbor!" I had nothing to hide, so I told him straight.

His brows furrowed more tightly, a hint of confusion flickering in his eyes, clearly clueless about Galaxy Harbor.

It was a small, obscure town. Why would Conrad know of it?

But if he had cared, he would have known. I had mentioned it was my birthplace, where my parents always dreamed of taking me.

had heard but forgotten because he never truly cared about me, and my

you go there for a

question almost made me laugh. And I did laugh, nodding lightly

Couldn't even send a text back?" Each

lips. "That's

face darkened more. "Yes, you can say that, but the company has rules. Employees can't just

I affect any work?" I countered

Ernest's chin brushing against my nose, his Adam's

Ernest's was a bit larger, somehow

at me, "are you saying

outright, "Taking my holiday or not, the lighting issue would have been there.

was supposed to be off for ten days

was briefly taken aback and fell silent, then nodded reluctantly. "But it's your

on a solution to ensure the amusement park's timely

stubbornness. He nodded, "Fine, I'll give you




,"If it's not completedet

all the

that?" His

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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