Chapter 200

Where can I find their memories now?

"Felicia," someone called out to me at the entrance of the hallway.

It was the landlady from across the hall.

No need to ask, I knew she was here because of the demolition news.

"Felicia, it's such a shame this place is getting torn down," she sighed, a rare display of emotion from her.

I had no words, just a face full of sadness. The landlady continued, "I just spent a fortune fixing up the place. It hasn't even been rented out for a month and now we have to kick people out. Such a loss."

I said nothing.

"Felicia, I've been trying to reach the young man renting from me, but he's not answering. If you see him today, could you tell him to give me a call? And let him know about the demolition so he can start looking for a new place and get his things in order," The landlady requested.

"Sure," I agreed.

"Thank you, Felicia," The landlady was polite, but then she couldn't help but gossip, "You've met the young man renting my place, right? He's a decent guy, isn't he?"

help but smirk,

high standards, Felicia. To think such a fine young man is just 'alright' to you. If I had


she might have taken offense, but there had been a buzz recently about a woman in her sixties having a baby, which made the news.

smiled, while she went on, "You should start packing up as well. Get rid of what you don't need, sell what you can. I have a guy who deals in second-hand goods, pays well and is very reliable. I'll

enthusiasm made it hard

a number and went on her way. I headed

I was met with a flood of memories, and my eyes instantly welled

can't keep even if you want

keep. I knew the

started to look around the

process of packing up.

the storeroom, leaving my room and my

my own

The old

Chelf, the tricycle

to ride


was something I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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