Chapter 274

The amusement park was never the issue; the problem was Conrad.

As the dream flashed through my mind, along with the reason for this call, I asked Dustin, "Is it something about Conrad? What happened to him?"

Dustin didn't respond immediately. After a pause, he finally spoke, "You know, you could just ask him directly."

There it was, the unspoken rule - nobody's a fool here.

Dustin's words left me at a loss for words.

He's always been the one to spare me any embarrassment

Easing my awkwardness, he added, "I mean, even though you guys aren't dating anymore, you've been close as family for years now."

I chuckled. "Well, I just didn't want to stir up any jealousy with his current flame."

That got a laugh out of Dustin too.

"How about we grab a meal together when you're free, Felicia?" Dustin offered.

He had just said we were like family, so I didn't refuse.

Hanging up, I sighed, relieved that nothing had happened to Conrad.

I have that dream? Was it because of his question yesterday about whether I'd be sad if he died

feelings aren't something I can just let go of on

already started something new with Ernest, and Conrad was destined to be just a

out of bed, when Ernest's text came through: You

breakfast and left it in the thermal box.


place, despite being

was proof enough of his prized position

to take the day off was likely to


if he was my boyfriend, he had no right to interfere with

it was out of concern for me, so I replied with a

Despite Ernest's instructions, after



still went

as if I'd



"Hey, what

were off today?" Grant are

hand, caught me off

was taking the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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