Chapter 310

Indeed I said that before but it was for something private.

Ernest seemed to catch onto my confusion and clarified without hesitation, "I told him."

"Oh," I replied, continuing to eat my breakfast without sensing something wrong.

But after a couple of bites, I felt something was off. "You guys are that close? You ask for a day off for me, and he just agree and even goes out of his way to let me know?"

Ernest casually continued with his breakfast, "Not really."

I laughed, "Not really? Feels like you're his... forefather or something."

I actually meant to say it's like he's his dad that as long as Ernest asked Grant to do something, Grant would not refuse anything.

"Pretty much," Ernest surprisingly agreed, "He needs me to develop new products for him, to make money for him. He wouldn't dare refuse me."


I silently praised him in my mind, left speechless.

A man of strength will always be confident.

That's we call a man of strength.

aren't we going to be late?" I asked

If we're late, we'll just re-book," Ernest really spoiled me beyond

"Ernest, why aren't you in

Ernest dropped another

was a bit embarrassed so quickly packed my things up, but still managed to grumble at him, "You could've told

it last night," his words made me

buzz around, then he said calmly, "No rush,

said that earlier, I wouldn't have brought anything," I

wasn't annoyed


pack. It's

Ernest's words made

beautiful moment isn't

finest makeup or

when she's being flirtatious, but when she's living in the mundane moments of making oatmeal or folding

Ernest never let me

the way I look


Kim feel warm and

Cable. Probably reminded him

of his mom.

I made it to the airport without being

wasn't until I got the boarding pass that I confirmed this

Susie know we're coming to pick her up?" I remembered

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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