Chapter 346

"It's all good," I found myself genuinely grateful for Yates at that moment, surprised by how much he seemed to enjoy himself.

You'd think a professor of his caliber performing surgery himself was lucky enough, but to see him so invested in finding a heart donor... I knew it had to be because of Fanny.

"When's the new heart supposed to arrive?" I asked.

Ernest lowered his gaze slightly. "Not sure."

I glanced down the hospital corridor, clean yet somehow still bleak, "So what's Yates suggesting? Do we keep her hospitalized or should we head back for some rest?"

"Let's head back. Susie, bless her, hardly ever left her hometown, never even been to Seabreeze City. I figured we'd explore a bit," Ernest shared his thoughts.

I agreed with him. Susie had never even tried coffee or a milkshake before; the outside world must be so alien to her.

She had only read about it in books, never experienced it for herself.

"Alright," I said, supporting his idea.

But, recalling a conversation I'd overheard at the stairwell, I decided to probe a bit, "Just, if you're with her like this, you probably can't make it to the company."

Ernest stayed silent, so I continued, somewhat wistfully, "If only one could be a boss, not work, and still have money to spend quality time with family." He didn't respond, his silence almost deafening.

be broke, I

poor?" I blurted out, my

flinched slightly but

TV shows, it's always about mistrust. Guys pretending to be poor just to see if the women interested in them are after

my gaze locked on Ernest, who didn't shy away, his expression not

had clearly heard

has their

do. If

have their reasons," Ernest finally

under my persistent gaze.

crossed my heart. What a way to say he had his reasons. I forced a smile, "I guess it's more about

Ernest's expression faltered, and

all out there, he

clean. Pressing

further seemed pointless.


the water cup

Ernest just hummed in

and I walked

steady steps, although

anything but steady,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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