Chapter 379

Dinner was a smooth affair, with Jeremy not putting on airs of a boss at all.

Aside from passing me dishes and occasionally asking if I needed water, Ernest was almost silent, cool to the point where you'd think he was the boss.

After the meal, Jeremy left in his understated Maybach.

Grant, having enjoyed a few drinks, called for a rideshare.

While waiting, Grant slung an arm around Ernest's shoulder. "Ernest, what do you think? Were you satisfied with how tonight went?"

Ernest brushed off his hand. "You've had too much to drink."

"Not at all, I know you're worried I'll blab, but trust me, I've got it under control," Grant tried to pat Ernest on the shoulder again.

This time, Ernest grabbed his wrist firmly. "Mr. Smith, I really dislike it when people pat my shoulder. You should probably avoid doing it to others as well. There's this old wives' tale that everyone's fortune rests on their shoulders, and you might just slap someone's good luck away. Get it?"

I almost laughed out loud, not expecting Ernest to care about such superstitions.

Grant was initially confused, then burst into laughter. "Ernest, since when did you start buying into those old wives' tales? I remember you used to..." "Your ride's here," Ernest cut him off just as the rideshare arrived.

Without being asked, Ernest took the initiative. "He's the one who called for the ride, talk to him."

an arm around

Why are you leaving?" Grant called out to us, but Ernest didn't

the car,


at Ernest. "Did Mr. Collins strike

slightly. "Why, you think

more like a boss than he does," I locked eyes

same," Ernest naturally continued, then added, "Licia, looks can be

like something out of a romance novel,

disappointed? Or did you

shook my head. "No,

it. I like you just the

background. It makes

but my mood was

one day, Licia?

"When did Mr. Collins

answer. Thinking


"Feeling safe has nothing to do with

I withdrew my hand. "Let's


Ernest pressed my hand against the

of liquor, mingling

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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