Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

"Look, you don't have to shower every time you wash your hair," his comment left me in stitches.

"Suit yourself, but hurry up, or it'll be dawn," I said, pushing him towards the bathroom, half-worried he'd drag me along if I moved any slower. Ernest, at first glance, seemed tough, distant, and not the type to mingle with women. A real ascetic.

But now, I realized once this man indulged, he was like a floodgate opened-unstoppable.

While he showered, I cleared the dinner table, a habit ingrained in me since childhood by my parents, never to leave dirty dishes overnight.

I hadn't even finished tidying up the kitchen when the doorbell rang.

At first, I thought I heard wrong, assuming it was another room's doorbell, but as it rang again and again, I knew it was mine.

Who could it be at this hour?

Grabbing a paper towel, I dried my hands and approached the door, puzzled. Even with Ernest inside, I habitually asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me!"



was he here

today, he had treated

Conrad started banging on the door, making it clear he wouldn't

he seemed unfazed by

find Conrad, pale, with his hair slightly disheveled and one

are you doing?" I asked,

answering my calls?" His question reminded me

"I didn't hear

I could finish, he grabbed me, "Come

shivers down my spine. I didn't budge and tried to pull away, "Conrad, have you lost your mind?" His dark eyes were filled

I was taken

up blood. The doctors think he might not make it. He wants to see you,"


here, I had met with Dustin, who had assured me that Herschel was doing

we need to leave now," Conrad insisted, pulling my hand

hesitate and followed him, but after a few steps, I remembered

for ten years, but I

must really be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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