Chapter 411

Hearing his words, a sharp pang of injustice hit me, making my nose tingle with emotion. "Ernest, I can't believe how petty you're being, not even giving me a chance to explain."

"I did listen," Ernest countered. "I called you, wanting to hear your explanation, but you never picked up."

Hearing this, I could almost picture him, frantic and searching for me through security footage, only to find that I had left with Conrad Wagner. Conrad had mentioned Ernest looking for me. Grabbing his hand, I explained, "It wasn't on purpose. I was in the infirmary."

"I know," Ernest said, his lips curving into a smile. "That's why I'm not mad. As for the call, you'll find out soon enough."

Glancing towards a building not too far off, Ernest continued, "I haven't slept or had a drink since you left last night. I'm so thirsty and tired."

His words tightened my heart, filling it with concern. As we walked home, I scolded him, "You knew I had to leave for a reason. Why wouldn't you try to get some rest? And why haven't you had anything to drink?"

He didn't reply, but thinking about his exhaustion and thirst, I dropped the subject and hurried home with him.

Once inside, Ernest dropped his bags and gently pushed me against the entryway cab, his eyes burning into mine.

I swallowed hard, caught in his intense look. "I've got some cold water ready for you."

"I'm jealous," he suddenly admitted, stopping me in my tracks.

downstairs, and from his tone, I thought he understood. But here he was, still feeling jealous. "I couldn't help it,

I could finish, Ernest's lips claimed mine in a

was thirsty, and he wasn't lying; his kiss was as

help feeling jealous," Ernest murmured

for him. I knew that feeling

he gave me reasons that I

promised, wrapping my arms around his

"Where's the

to the couch, I handed him

God water. "Here,


taking out his phone and then handing it to me along with

this?" I asked,

through," Ernest indicated for me to check

break?" I teased, turning it on. The sound of a

video, then looking back at Ernest, my eyes welled

He understood me.

the event himself, setting his phone on Do Not Disturb mode to avoid any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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