When Haley showed up at my workplace, I wasn't exactly taken aback. It was more the fact that she'd managed to locate my office rather than loitering around my apartment complex or waiting at my front door that surprised me.

What could she possibly want? It obviously revolved around Conrad.

But honestly, I was too drained to even engage in a conversation with her. I instructed someone to send her away, saying, "Tell her I'm not here."

Yet, when I left work, there she was, still waiting outside my office building.

"Director Hudson, she's been waiting for ages, didn't even touch the water we offered her. Plus, she's pregnant. If something happens to her here, that wouldn't be good," the receptionist warned me. Haley was clearly playing hardball, forcing a confrontation in such a manner.

If I gave in now, she'd only continue this tactic.

"It's not our problem if she decides to wait," I said, brushing it off as I walked away.

"Felicia!" Haley called out, her voice booming across the busy evening rush, turning heads in our direction.

As I stopped, Felicia approached me, standing before me in a flowing white maternity dress, her baby bump prominently displayed and cheeks flushed, possibly from the effort of shouting my name. "Why won't you see me?" she began, her voice laced with accusation.

Me, fearful?

let out a mocking laugh. "I haven't stolen your man. There's nothing for me to fear... I simply don't

flickered, showing a soft side that almost made you feel sorry

words made

you go behind my back to Rad? Why keep hovering around him even after you broke up?" Haley raised her voice, a departure

had already

a crowd had begun to form around us. Public spats, especially those concerning romantic entanglements, never failed to attract

Haley was replicating a tactic she'd used before. Like the last time

scene outside my office dragging Conrad into the mess and making sure everyone

play this time, with

be sure, but one thing was clear: she aimed

words had already stirred whispers and

causing Felicia

immediately assuming her signature damsel-in-distress

please, stop chasing after Rad. For the sake of the baby I'm carrying," she pleaded, her hand caressing her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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