Conrad was obviously plastered that night, to the point he forgot he'd asked me to come pick him up.

When I arrived, he just stared at me for a moment before leaning in for a gentle kiss and then, with a hand on my head, called me a "silly girl" in such a tender voice.

It was almost dawn then, just like now. Conrad was pretty tipsy but buzzing with excitement when he threw out the idea, "How about we head to the peak to catch the sunrise?"

That's Conrad for you; alcohol didn't make him sleepy but rather filled him with a restless energy.

He always said sleeping after drinking made him feel like he was on a spinning merry-go-round.

So, whenever he had one too many, it became my job to drive him around, seeking out adventures.

That night, we ended up at the peak, sitting on a large boulder, leaning against each other. We watched the stars in the sky before dawn, witnessed the night's darkness retreat, and saw the sun burst over the horizon, bathing everything in a warm glow.

He fell asleep on my shoulder that morning and didn't wake up until the sunlight was strong enough to encourage him to open his eyes. Only then did we decide to leave.

Looking up at the night sky now, I mused aloud, "It's been a while since you've done something spontaneous."

"Is it? I've forgotten," he said, slowly lowering his gaze.

Forgotten indeed.

If he hadn't forgotten his promises to me, if he hadn't let those happy memories fade, would he have succumbed to Haley's charm?

"What are you trying to say?" I steered the conversation back on track.

didn't you tell me sooner?" Conrad's question

pursed my lips, "And what good would telling you have done? End up in a huge

Martin is gone,

go back

fell silent at my retort, but after a while, he muttered, "After you found out, did you

honestly, "It's just that she was too


about her?"

Haley's intentions were clear,


opening ceremony or her middle-of-the-night argument with Conrad. She was aiming for a life of luxury, to marry

around before abruptly sitting down on

"The dew," I warned.


inviting me to sit next to him,

nodded, understandingly, "Yes, it's

if don't agree, she'll leak. the

"Conrad revealed, pluckie't



was so bold

going to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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