The very thing I had been tirelessly searching for, as if by some twist of fate, had found its way to me.

I was genuinely thrilled.

But that excitement quickly turned to confusion.

Why would this person suddenly reach out to me, knowing exactly what I was after?

It's been over a decade since my parents' tragic car accident. Why hadn't this individual disclosed that missing page from the accident report until now?

Reaching out to me now, did they truly possess the report, or was there an ulterior motive?

So many thoughts raced through my mind in an instant, yet regardless of their intentions, I couldn't let this opportunity slip by.

I excitedly typed out a message in response: [How can we meet?]

No reply came.

After a nerve-wracking minute, I began to wonder about this mysterious messenger. When had they even added me?

Checking the new friend request, I noticed it was indeed them who had added me, with a note stating "Officer Sampson."

I had completely forgotten about them since they hadn't spoken to me after adding me.

Could this person be the officer handling the car accident file?!

quickly sent another message: [Officer Sampson, looking forward

prompt "typing..." appeared almost

my call!] appeared in

throat tightened with nerves as I swiftly replied with a single word:

end, but


comforting words of

persuasions of


Ernest's father's involvement, gave me a strong premonition that this missing report

even want to think about that. But the

my racing heart and debating whether to share this development with him. "Can't sleep?" Ernest approached, his body radiating a cool

him, then hugged him tightly, "Just

my ears, unsettling

gently stroked my hair, "Something on

It wasn't that I didn't trust him; I


crash, things had

the verge of uncovering

closest to

his father was also implicated

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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