"Felicia!" Conrad caught my arm in a tight grip.

I glanced at the bandage wrapped around his head and then shifted my gaze to Dustin, who had walked in with him. "I think something might have happened to Ernest."

Dustin frowned, clearly skeptical. "What do you mean, something happened? How can you tell?"

I couldn't really; it was just a gut feeling.

"I called him, and he seemed distracted, said he'd call me back later, but he hasn't yet," I explained.

"And you didn't try calling him again?" Conrad chimed in.

I hadn't, actually.

Ernest said he'd call back, so I just waited, never bothering to dial his number again.

"I'll call him," Conrad declared, pulling out his phone and dialing Ernest's number.

It took a while for the call to be answered. "Mr. Wagner."

Since Conrad was making the call right in front of me, I could hear everything clearly.

where are you?" Conrad got straight

made my

me, then asked Ernest, "On a plane? Where are

home!" Those two words clenched my

from his

answer, and my hand holding the phone was shaking slightly. "Ernest, talk to me. Is something wrong? You're not just saying you're going back home to fool me, are you? Where are you really?" I couldn't believe he wouldn't come

I'm not lying to you," Ernest

then, all I could focus on was him, my disbelief clear in my response. "I don't

for an excuse. But then he said, "Yes, I'm a

from Ernest, a picture of him on the plane and another of his ticket.

hadn't even come to

have turned several shades paler, and Dustin and Conrad were

"Ernest's a

stopped Conrad from dialing Ernest's

"Felicia..." Conrad started.

him and typed a message to Ernest: [Is

No reply came.

I sent

wrong, I can


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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