"Sorry, but even if it meant making pennies, I wouldn't partner with you again," I said, cutting straight to the chase.

When Dustin came out, I was waiting for him in front of my car. He had stepped in just in time to bail me out earlier, and I felt compelled to show my gratitude. "Waiting to thank me, huh?" Dustin caught on quickly.

I offered a light smile. "If it hadn't been for Dustin stepping in, I might have ended up in the hospital today."

"Come on, it wasn't that bad. That kick you landed on him was no joke. Bet his guts are still trying to untangle themselves," Dustin joked, making me laugh. "Felicia, you still got that kick, huh?" His remark reminded me of my school days when some boys tried to bully me, and I'd retaliate with a swift kick. Back then, they even gave me a nickname: "Rocket Legs."

But I didn't want to dwell on the past and instead asked with a chuckle, "Didn't expect to see Dustin here for a partnership talk."

"This deal was actually something Rad had set up before. I came today to check things out," Dustin explained.

I chuckled lightly, leaving it at that.

"You seem to be in high spirits today. Must be that power breakfast I sent you," Dustin mentioned breakfast.

I almost grimaced. If I told him I hadn't even seen it, he'd probably be bummed out.

"Thanks, Dustin, but you don't have to do it again," I said, wanting to avoid another breakfast delivery. Mainly, I didn't want to get too entangled with him.

just me being handy. If you expected daily deliveries, I'd

added, "I've got to head back

on," Dustin checked his watch. "Rad lands in two hours. Want to come over and have dinner with

Absolutely not.

might not find it awkward, but

office. I'll visit Jacqueline

chuckled softly, not


over, out breath, with a smartphone in her hand. "Mr. Wagner, Ms. Hudson."

the phone, panting.

looked at him, he spoke up, "You can't say no

old phone. I'll

to Dustin. "I have a spare phone, Dustin. I

a flicker of something in his eyes, but he didn't push further, telling Deborah to put

a look

an excuse to leave. However, Deborah, having taken the day off, hooked her arm through mine.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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