You know, I actually did want to eat those things earlier, but if I had, then Ernest's secret attempt at making things up to me would've been satisfied.

And I couldn't have that. I wanted to keep him on his toes, feeling guilty but powerless to do anything for me.

Luckily, I had some snacks stashed away in my desk drawer. Just as I was about to grab them, the office phone rang.

Snack in one hand, phone in the other, I answered, "...What? Is it serious? I'll be right there."

Hanging up, I stood up, leaving the snacks behind.

The call had come from one of my team members downstairs. Apparently, a discussion about a project had turned sour, and they'd even gotten physically assaulted. This was serious.

My team member being bullied felt like a direct affront to me. I drove down there immediately.

"Director Hudson, I swear I didn't go into their women's locker room. They're framing me," the injured team member explained, his face a picture of distress, as I approached.

Inspecting his swollen face, which seemed to be mostly superficial bruises, I asked, "Who hit you?"

"Their head of security."

"And where's their person in charge?" As I finished my sentence, a middle-aged man hurried over.

"Director Hudson, today's incident was a complete misunderstanding, I'm terribly sorry," the man, named Larson, the project manager, was profusely apologizing, nearly bending over backward.

was a misunderstanding, yet my employee ends up like this, what do you suggest

eager, to offer, "We'll cover all


moment, then he added, "We'll also cover lost

raised my hand to stop him, "Bring the one who hit

already fired him," Larson claimed,

the police right now," I threatened, reaching for

wrist was in

you can call the cops on our turf, lady?" the thief taunted before


injured team


member the


who hit me."

you. What are you going to do about it?" the

any proof?"

am the proof. Saw him with my own eyes

my eyes, "Get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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