Even when someone messed up, he wouldn't lash out or berate them directly. Instead, he had this way of gently nudging you back on track, a sort of roundabout reminder that somehow managed to be both motivating and sparing of your blushes.

So, with a chuckle and a grin, he became the boss, the kind that seemed to do nothing all day yet somehow had everyone working their tails off for him.

I found myself caught up in the act too, throwing out compliments like, "Even working at a snail's pace feels like letting Mr. Smith down."

Grant just laughed it off, "Hey, I'm not putting any pressure on you. Work's never-ending, don't rush it."

A boss who doesn't drive his employees hard? Grant was a first for me.

Well, when someone's offering kindness, turning it down would just be playing hard to get. So, I accepted with a smile, "Got it, I'll remember that."

"You've lost a lot of weight, you okay?" Instead of going over the report I handed him, Grant started a chat.

We weren't super tight or anything, but right from the start, it felt like we'd known each other for ages.

Still, I kept a professional distance, "I'm fine, really."

"Yeah right, you look like you've been drained by a vampire," he joked, pulling out a gift box from his drawer, "This was from a client a few days back, some sort of vitality booster. Take it, might do you some good."

I took a look, "This seems like it's for women, you sure it was meant for you, Mr. Smith?"

"Yeah, it was for me. They thought I had a girlfriend. But you know I'm

ready, but his heart was in the right place, so I didn't tease him about it, "Thanks, Mr.

I'll hold you to that," he replied, giving off a vibe that made

sign off on anything, and given his philosophy that work never really ends, I didn't push him. Instead, I just left some

He smiled. "Sweet, literally."

the talk, right, Mr. Smith?" I said, leaving with the health drink

afternoon, Grant finally came by with the signed report, "Director Hudson, got a bit tied up today,

his laid-back approach was well known, I couldn't

straightforward, "How could it possibly

Hudson's got a point. I'll do better next

because Jefferson Daniels was getting

time, then," Grant was gracious

apologized, having

one to the list," he

said with

to bump

meeting made

there was

Ernest and I


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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