Chapter 1

After a passionate rendezvous, Clara’s skin shimmers with an understated glow lan held her close, his slender fingers tracing the contours of her delicate features. In the depths of his mesmerizing eyes, there was a tenderness that she had never seen before.

Clara was left utterly spent by their lovemaking, but at this moment, she felt deeply cherished.

However, before the afterglow of their desire could fade, lan’s phone began to ring. Clara’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of the caller ID. She tightened her grip on lan’s arm and looked up at him with pleading eyes, “Can you not answer it?”

The call was from Heidi, lan’s long–time sweetheart. Since she’d returned stateside less than a month ago, there had been several cries for attention, masquerading as suicide attempts.

Clara knew all too well that Heidi’s antics were deliberate, but lan didn’t seem to care about Clara’s feelings. He pushed her away without a second thought. The warmth of their recent intimacy was completely gone as he eagerly answered the call.

Clara couldn’t make out what was said on the phone. She only saw the waves of emotion churning in lan’s deep–set eyes, darker than the night outside.

After hanging up, he quickly dressed. “Heidi’s causing a scene again, threatening to hurt herself. I’ve got to go check on her.”

their love. Her gaze was intense as she watched him. “But today is my birthday.

up, his brows sharp and his gaze cold. “When did you become so unreasonable?


her pillow and pulled out a small, exquisite box. Inside were

her rescue, and he got injured in the process. She had volunteered

then if she wanted to date him, but he made it clear he wasn’t offering marriage. Without hesitation, Clara had agreed, because lan was the man

that day, she was lan’s efficient and attractive secretary by day, and by

and that he was hesitant about marriage because of issues with his family. She spent a whole day preparing

call shattered Clara’s illusions.

marriage. It just wasn’t Clara he wanted as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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