Chapter 6

He descended the stairs and spotted Dawson standing in the living room, phone in hand, deep in conversation with someone on the other end.

lan strode over and cast a glance at the phone. “Busy, are we?”

Dawson immediately ceased his texting, concern etching his features. “Mr. Hayes, is Ms. Clara very ill? Does she need to go to the hospital?”

lan was puzzled. “She told you that?”

“Yeah, she just asked me for a week off. I was wondering why she did not just tell you directly. Why go through the formal process with me?”

lan’s dark eyes grew heavier. “You approved it?”

Clara should rest up at home, and I’ll handle the

his go–getter attitude would earn him some praise from the big boss. But instead, he was met with a frosty voice that

back, her colleagues were quick to fill her in on the dreadful week they’d had. They were working late every

slashed by a hefty sum courtesy of lan. Clara knew that money was Dawson’s rainy day fund, and now, because of her, it was gone.

work–related matters, she knocked on the CEO’s office door. Upon entering, she found lan, clad in a crisp black suit, sitting at his desk.

of icy aloofness and sophistication surrounded him. His expression barely changed as his gaze settled on

handsome man who had drawn her to him, leading her to throw caution to the wind. But she never expected her years of devotion to be treated as nothing more than a casual

that direct supervisor approval suffices for absences of ten days or less.

eyes fixating on her as if seeing right through her thoughts. “Why do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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