Lourain decided to stop there, having achieved his goal.



Back in the isolated space, Jack stood in front of the fifth room. It was pitch black inside as usual, which Jack was used to. He walked right into the fifth room.

The black iron difficulty had three steel-armored fighters in the fifth room. There were a total of seven rooms in the Killing Hall.

Based on the difficulty, the first three rooms were usually much easier. Even if they increased the number of steel-armored fighters, the difficulty was still comparatively weaker. After all, they were steel-armored fighters in the end. The second and third rooms were different.

These two rooms had silver-armored fighters, while the last challenge, which was the hardest one, had the golden-armored fighter.

black iron difficulty. The challenge was basically split into three, and the easiest ones were the

for the gold difficulty. It was because of this that many people felt like Jack had a

had more rooms awaiting him. In everyone's hearts, even if he was the most powerful warrior in the Whirling World, he might

as well. Any warrior who entered the Whirling World would be under

hearts, the gold difficulty was not something 60-year-old or younger warriors could

silver-armored fighters stood in front of him. Even though everyone

challenge four silver-armored fighters. It was hard to imagine how difficult the challenges

and ready themselves in their best state before they commenced the next challenge, but he did not need it at all. Even though he

walking into the fifth room, the

themselves and recover, but Jack did not seem to need it.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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