Chapter 2035
Such a simple statement stunned both Morton and Gerald, their faces slammed with disbelief, and their mouths hung wide open.

Morton laughed dryly, even musing to himself that Brook might have lost his mind. Why else would Brook have said such impractical things? Jackie and Wesley had already finished their wager battle, and Jackie…defeated Wesley? What nonsense these were!

Despite that, the weird glances they were receiving subconsciously stopped Morton just as he was about to refute.

Gerald blurted, “What are you talking about? How can Jackie defeat Wesley?” His expression darkened as he got a hint of something from what he said, subconsciously stepping back.

Every informal disciple around them could hear very well, and all of them heard what Brook had said. None of them refuted his claim, however, and none of them gave him odd stares. This meant that Brook was not pulling things out of thin air; he was telling the truth.

have realized


were looking at them as if they were dummies. They

Brother Wesley has been carried away?

the others knew that Wesley would be brought to

Sayer’s elder council with his eyes closed and his face pale. Elder Sayer stretched out his


need to get justice for Senior Brother Wesley! That guy has taken it too far. Senior Brother Wesley has already fallen to the ground, badly wounded, and that guy still followed up with a punch, not holding back! He subjected Senior Brother Wesley to suffer from four broken ribs, which worsened Senior Brother Wesley’s already grave wounds! That

that a layer of grayish-black mist floated above Elder Sayer’s right hand. If Jackie was in the room, he would recognize right off the bat that the grayish-black mist was the residue of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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