Chapter 2211
Jackie could vaguely see something flashing on top of the slope.

“Another one came!” said someone.

Jackie turned his head and saw a group of people standing around. Fortunately, the place was wide enough. It was wider than the square in front of the gathering spot for roll call in the Dual Sovereign Pavilion. He estimated the place could fit at least ten thousand people.

His hands were trembling slightly. Everything happened so suddenly that Jackie could not process it. One second ago, he was in a life-or-death situation and was prepared to die, but the next second, he found himself in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar faces standing all around him.

Although the people there were dressed differently, Jackie could guess from his general understanding of West Cercie State that some of the people were from the Thousand Leaves Pavilion, Muddled Origin Clan, and Dual Sovereign Pavilion. There was a group of people who he could not put his finger on at first glance, but after careful study, he recognized them to be a Clan association under the Corpse Pavilion.

Jackie did a rough calculation in his mind and estimated that there were more than a hundred people present which was about the total number of people who had entered the Secret Place for Resources. In other words, the people who entered the Secret Place for Resources were gathered there.


A series of muffled noises sounded again causing Jackie to look in the direction it was coming from. There, he saw several people had fallen from mid-air into the open ground just like him. Their faces were dazed, not knowing how they got there.

“What is this place? Why are there so many people here! Brother Calum, why are you here?”

“Where else should I be? Can’t you see that all the people who had entered the Secret Place for Resources are gathered here?!”

The newcomers were brought up to date about their situation after a brief chat with someone they knew. Jackie breathed out deeply and instinctively went to find a remote place to avoid being in contact with anyone there. However, before he could do that, he heard the sound of sobbing.


“Third Brother, what happened to you? How did you get all those injuries?”

Thirteenth Brother, wake up! We’re safe now! Please wake up…”

Jackie turned in the direction of the noise and saw two seriously injured people lying unconscious on the ground. The one who was addressed as Thirteenth Brother was pale and lifeless; he was most likely dead since his chest was still.

So even corpses get moved here,’ thought Jackie. He frowned, and subconsciously looked for the masked man.

The masked man who was standing fifty, sixty yards away from Jackie was staring daggers at him with a pair of gloomy eyes. The corners of Jackie’s mouth twitched; he was secretly glad that the gray energy came in time. Otherwise, he might be the one lying dead on the ground. Fortunately for him, it would be difficult for the masked man to make any move toward him when there were so many people there.

Chapter 2212
‘What should I do now? Why is everyone here? The only person who possessed the ability to bring us all here should be the master of the Secret Places for Resources. Just exactly what is he planning to do?’ Suddenly, Elder Godfrey’s words flashed through Jackie’s mind.

The Secret Places for Resources was very likely to be a place of inheritance left by a powerful predecessor. The reason why he left the place was to find the person he could pass his mantle to. Could it be that Elder Godfrey had guessed correctly?

Suddenly, an old voice with unrivaled force exploded In everyone’s ears. “All teleportation caves are closed! If you want to go back, you must find the exit yourself. I would give you all a hint- the place where you enter the Divine Void Slope is where you can leave!”

The hint confused them though they could somewhat guess the general meaning. All the teleportation caves had been closed? What exactly are those anyways? Are they similar to the space cave they used to enter the Secret Places for Resources? If all the space caves were closed then it would mean that they could not go back, and if they wanted to go back, they had to find the Divine Void Slope? What the heck was the Divine Void Slope?


The announcement was like a bomb, kicking up an explosion of uproar that filled Jackie’s ears.

“The teleportation cave is probably the space cave that we used to enter the Secret Places for Resources. We won’t be able to go out if it’s really closed.”

“Didn’t you hear what the voice said? That we can go back by other means even when the teleportation portal is closed. The place where we enter Divine Void Slopes is the place where we can go back!”

“Where is the Divine Void Slope? Why have I never heard of it? Is it a secret place in the Secret Places for Resources?”

“I don’t know! All I know is it’s impossible for us to get out through the space cave!”

“Do you think we’ll be locked up here till the day we die?!”

“I hope not…”

The discussions were endless. Everyone was worried. Would they be trapped there forever? Why was the teleportation cave closed? What was the main purpose of closing the teleportation cave? All those questions took hold of Jackie’s attention. He was also very curious as to the reason why the space cave must be closed. Could it be that there was a sinister plot going on that they did not know of?

The old voice did not give everyone much time to discuss before it continued calmly, “In front of you is the Divine Void Slope which measures three thousand feet, and your current position puts you at the foot of the Divine Void Slope! The Divine Void Slope will open after two hours, and all of you must climb up the slope. You will come across a Divine Void Warrior every three hundred feet, of which you must defeat to be able to continue your journey. You will have to defeat a total of nine Divine Void Warriors, and only the one who has reached the top will receive the rich reward the Divine Void Slope has prepared for you.”

Chapter 2213
The old voice suddenly paused.

Everyone became immensely excited at the mention of a reward. The way they were staring at the peak of the Divine Void Slope was as if the reward would come flying down at them if they stared hard enough. The glowing items that Jackie saw before must be the reward the old voice mentioned. Undoubtedly, the items must be of astronomical value since they were left behind by the master of the Secret Place for Resources.

The old voice seemed to like to whet the appetite of everyone as he continued slowly, “There are too many rewards, I won’t explain them one by one, but I will mention a few of the more common ones. There are Ten Thousand Soul Pill, an eighth-rank spirited pill, Heaven Aroma Fruit, and Hundred Soul Grass, both of them seventh-grade spirited grass, and five spirited cores of the monsters in the divine solidifying level!”

There was an uproar as soon as the final word came out. Everyone’s eyes widened with excitement, and they had to wipe the drool off their mouth, while their greedy eyes were fixed at the top of Divine Void Slope. They would be swimming in contribution points if they sell off all the rewards.

Even an elder would be fighting over an eighth grade pill; that was just how precious it was. The eyes of the people there became bloodshot, while some of the others’ breathing became haggard. Most of the people there were very confident in their own power, and felt that they could be the first to get to the top!

Jackie, however, was much calmer, because he had other things on his mind. ‘Is it a coincidence that this slope in front of me is named the Divine Void Slope?’ After coming to the West Cersie State, he discovered a lot of things were actually related to the Divine Void World, and now he would have to climb the Divine Void Slop and fight the phantom of the Divine Void Warriors.

Everything was too coincidental for his liking, and if it was not a coincidence, then it would mean that the Secret Place for Resources was inextricably linked with the Divine Void World. He suddenly recalled the scene at the Cliff of Sorrows-the Ten Absolutes trap array that should not have appeared in this world, and the corpse engraved with runes outside the trap array. All these various signs pointed to the fact that the West Cercie State was definitely related to the Divine Void World during ancient times.

“Don’t get too happy too soon! After climbing the Divine Void Slope, the martial arts skills that you use your internal energy to activate will be suppressed to a certain extent,” said the old voice.

Everyone felt like that was a hidden meaning behind the words, and they began to mull it over. Jackie’s eyes widened instantly, and a thought flashed in his mind, but he was not sure whether it was true.

open after two hours! Remember, everyone will fight

would have two hours of rest. Most of them did not need the time to rest since they had not consumed any energy in the time they were there. Instead, they spent their time discussing topics such as climbing the Divine Void Slope, who the old

over to the Divine Void Slope and looked to the

Void Slope was covered by a thin layer of mist, he was unable to identify what the slope was made out of. As his thoughts were focused on this, he heard a clear voice suddenly coming up by his ears.” You must be Junior

dressed in Dual Sovereign Pavilion clothes standing behind him. The man was looking at Jackie with kind eyes. After some self-introduction, Jackie learned

Sovereign Pavilion disciples are

these troubles, he followed Nelson to the gathering spot of the disciples from the Dual Sovereign Pavilion. Nelson was in fourth place among the chosen disciples and was the strongest disciple in the Dual Sovereign Pavilion sent into the Secret Place for Resources. Jackie also asked around for Griffin’s information and learned that Griffin

them had already entered the Secret Place for Resources for many days. They had already encountered many dangerous situations. The danger included monster beasts and other people. Apart from the Dual Sovereign Pavilion, all the other sects had suffered some losses. However, the disciples of the Dual Sovereign Pavilion were

just joined the sect recently. Before he became Elder Godfrey’s last disciple, he was just an informal disciple. Compared to Jackie,

familiar with were the Olsen brothers. However, the two of them had a strained relationship

see you here but it looks like you’re really lucky. You weren’t killed by anybody or swallowed by monster beasts with your intermediate stage

speaking, the other Dual Sovereign Pavilion disciples looked over at them and their eyes were flickering between Jackie and Griffin. Many of them were wondering how the two of them, who had nothing to do with one another,

He knew that Griffin would not let him off easy and would definitely say something nasty when they bump into one another. However, Jackie was not somebody who would allow others to step over him. Griffin had been continuously causing him trouble

and said

several slaps to his face when he heard what

face darkened. “B* stard! How dare

said that I feel

would have rushed forward to grab Jackie’s collar and slap him twice. “Do you think that I will not take action against you when you’ve gone against me several times?! Even if you’re under

and it sounded like he was about to swallow Jackie. Jackie chuckled coldly. Griffin was really dumb. How could he say something like that? Killing clan brothers was a serious crime

Nelson’s facial expression darkened when he heard what Griffin said. He suddenly turned around and spoke fiercely, “Junior Brother Griffin, please pay attention to what you say! How can you mention killing your clan brothers without any

between you and Junior Brother Jackie, you can just talk it out! How can you fight or kill your clan brothers when we’re in the Secret Place for

management of sects encouraged fights between their disciples as the intense fight can improve the disciples’ fighting prowess. However, killing one another outside of

seemed to be incredibly afraid of Nelson. The corners of his mouth twitched and he rolled his eyes at Nelson before looking over at Jackie.

raised his eyebrows. This guy was really good at Misrepresenting the facts. He was the one that caused Jackie trouble but he made it sound like Jackie was the one who constantly caused him trouble. If this happened to somebody else, they might not say anything to defend themselves as the matter could b e forgotten soon. However, Jackie was unwilling to

straight at Griffin.” Senior Brother Griffin, you’re wrong as you were the one who constantly caused me trouble. Why do you sound like I was the one causing you trouble? I said nothing when I walked over but you insulted me sarcastically. Is that me

never expected that Jackie would speak so straightforwardly. The people surrounding them immediately looked over a s they were interested in what was happening. It looked

you’re overreacting. I’m never suicidal but I won’t stop anybody if they wish to kill

go easily. He raised his hand to stop Jackie. “The two of you should stop fighting. You’re clan brothers and we’re in a public place. If the two of you refuse to stop, I will report your

Although he had stopped speaking, he glared at Jackie so fiercely as if he wanted to bite

to look at him before walking two steps forward to be at the edge of where the Dual Sovereign Pavilion’s disciples were gathered. He had zero desire to meddle with these people and only wanted to peacefully wait for the Divine Void Slope To be activated. The interlude had

and smiled at the others.” What does the sound we hear mean when it says that any of our martial skills that involve true energy will be

when Brook changed the topic. Griffin’s brother, Howard, remarked, “I think that it’s quite simple. The voice is telling us that once we step on the Divine Void Slope, the martial skill we perform will be suppressed!

we’ll be suppressed once we climb up the Divine Void Slope. Why did he mention that the

If he was right, the Divine Void Slope was no doubt related to the Divine Void World. Since

these people

spot of the Dual Sovereign Pavilion’s disciples. The person standing in front seemed

the person standing behind the leader. It was

seemed to be in bad shape. His right hand was completely bandaged, and he was limping. The left side

Frank died, Jackie had turned to escape. He ran as the masked man chased after him and

no idea what Edric and the others faced after he left. However, from the looks of the wounds on Edric’s body, Jackie

Pavilion before finally

his eyes as he sized Jackie up. He

by nodding with a smile on his face. He knew that this person was here with unkind

him as their sect and the Muddled Origin Clan had many issues. On top of that, they did not know each other well. However, he still

at the man leading the Muddled Origin Clan’s disciples. “This is the chosen disciple

in confusion before he spoke, “I

sneered coldly, knowing he had said nothing offensive at all. Instead, he looked at Jackie

thus nodded without hesitation. “I know, and I saw him die with my own eyes, but what does this have to do

looked like he wanted to

saw how Junior Brother Frank died, and you were the one nearest to him when it happened. On top of that, you two had bad blood with one another, and no one will believe you if you say that his death had nothing to do

What did he mean by that? They were trying to blame this on him! Jackie knew how Frank died as Frank was the one who put himself into all that trouble. Why

sneered and slightly raised his voice in response, “Senior Brother Theo, your remark is quite absurd. What are you trying to say? Are you trying to say that I was the one who killed Frank? Didn’t your clan brothers tell you that I was also surrounded by enemies when Frank died? We were caught in a battle, and you’re saying that I

and left Frank behind with his own eyes! All the attacks landed on my

say something like that? Should he have stayed behind and died together with Frank? Everybody wanted to survive! On top of that, he did not know Frank

words were

that Theo

as he asked, “What’s going on?

Nelson then turned around to look at Theo with a scowl. Everybody

because he was too slow in his escape attempt, and

Brother Theo, you’re going too far,” spoke Nelson, his voice audibly stern. “My Junior Brother

our lives. From what you say, do you mean that my junior brother shouldn’t

actions straightforwardly made Theo’s

you think that nobody saw what happened? I purposely asked the Thousand Leaves Pavilion’s disciple, Heath Vay, about what happened. He saw that you had the opportunity to resolve the opponent’s attack before you escaped, but you didn’t. You left my Junior Brother Frank there

was so angry that he could

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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