Chapter 2378
Jackie had to suppress the internal shock he had.

“What world is Wild Gorge Pass from? Why would Middle Province have a passage into Wild Gorge Pass? If someone wanted to enter Wild Gorge Pass, how would they do it?”

Chandler raised an eyebrow at how eager Jackie seemed to want to know more. ” Surely you’re not planning on entering Wild Gorge Pass, do you now? I would advise against such a thought. Even if you had nine ninth-grade crystals, you’d just die inside.”

Jackie visibly soured at Chandler’s words; it seemed like he had trivialized the matter too much. He had thought that it would have been somewhere like the Hidden Place for Resources at most.

Even though he had encountered many dangers there, he had managed to turn danger into opportunity thanks to his talent and skill. However, after listening to Chandler’s simple explanation, Jackie found out what was different about Wild Gorge Pass. If the Hidden Place for Resources’ fiends had been in the late stage of the innate level, then the fiends on Wild Gorge Pass were at least at the divine-solidifying level. The two of them could not even be at the same level.

Thinking about that, Jackie gulped.


It would seem that his future path suddenly became bleaker.

He did not know if he could enter Wild Gorge Pass at all.

“What is a ninth-grade crystal? Where can I buy them?” asked Jackie, sounding rather despondent at the same time.

Chandler raised an eyebrow as he looked at Jackie. “The ninth-grade pill is something everyone wants to buy but can’t find. It’s not something you can buy just because you want to. It might be something similar to spirit crystals, but it’s hundreds of thousands of times more expensive”


After that, Chandler raised one finger.” This is the most recent price.”

Jackie raised an eyebrow at his gesture, “A hundred thousand spirit crystals?”

high price. After all, the most

get you? It’s

jumped when he heard the price. “A

“That’s the price, alright. This is even a lower-end estimate, too, and this thing is impossible to find. If you want

to get to Wild Gorge Pass from Middle

that was! Unless he sold his Mustard Seed, he would never be able to afford it. Mustard Seed itself was something

meant Jackie had to make all that money. He wondered how many years he would have to work


the right to go to Wild Gorge Pass, how would he cope with the

able to level up constantly in a short time? All those problems stared at Jackie in the face. Jackie felt like a massive rock was pressing down on his heart,

at that point. There was no

expression and was riddled with curiosity,

2379 Chandler felt amused just

disciples in his clan would not be able to enter

the money, but they also lacked the

little innate level guy from West Cercie State like Jackie would never be

advised sincerely,” Since you’re already in Middle Province, you should find a place to stay if you don’t plan on going back anytime soon. Middle Province is vast, and its resources are much better than what you had in West Cercie

at Chandler meaningfully. Even though he had just known Chandler for a short time,

rich in resources. Can you tell me what’s the best way to earn spirit crystals? The best is if I

his head somewhat helplessly. He knew that his question was quite absurd. It looked like he wanted to

900 million spirit crystals were not something that could be

him from going to Wild

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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