Chapter 207-2 ----

“Danielle, you’re really gonna fly us over there?" Xavier

asked, wide-eyed.

“Danielle gave a small nod. "Yeah, more or less. Don’t

underestimate this rope. It can handle up to two thousand

pounds, so we’re good."

"They still didnt quite get it, and

Danielle wast in the mood to

explain any further. They would

figure it,out soon enough. She

turned back to double-check the”

ropetied to the rock, testing iTover

anckover to make sure it weéuld hold.


“With everything ready, Danielle threw her backpack on.

“Mom, I’ll take you across first, then I’ll come back for Dad

and Xavier."

“Danielle, you’re not planning on swinging Mom over with

that rope, right? What if it stops halfway or...?" Xavier

asked, clearly worried.

“Xavier, I know what I’m doing. It’s safe, I promise,”

Danielle said, her eyes full of determination.

“Xavier didn’t doubt her, actually, he trusted her completely.

she was implying was that she

that pit three times,

a time. Danielle

the look in his daughter’s eyes and

He knew there was no

rope, they would


“Danielle, justttake Mom across.

and Wwill

said, not


go back

she was still

and he

toll on her health.


where her dad was


here. I’ll get you

replied. Turning to

Just close your eyes if you’re


was clearly nervous but smiled weakly. "Ready.

scared." She had convinced herself that

somehow cushion

her a better


we go,”

up a few steps, wrapped the rope

hand a few times, and then put

your eyes if you’re scared.


replied just before Danielle

got ready to run.

Danielle zoomed forward,

she was weightless.


to help, but

guard when

up. Her feet

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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