Chapter 50

Abigail placed Genevieve's picture back into the book and put the book back in its original spot before leaving the room. Arianna had woken up by then, and the young girl ran over to her mother when she saw her mother walking out. "I thought you left, Mommy!"

"So, which would you prefer—do you want me to stay or leave?" Abigail lifted Arianna into her arms. Arianna was just a little lighter in comparison to Alissa.

"I want you to stay, of course," Arianna said happily.

Abigail felt an ache in her chest as she spoke in an apologetic tone. "Unfortunately, not everything can happen the way you want it to," she said.

"What?" Arianna's face collapsed into a frown.

"Are you leaving already, Dr. Kain?" The housekeeper felt rather worried after hearing Abigail's words. Abigail nodded. "Yeah. We should leave since Arianna's awake."

"But Mr. Buckley isn't home yet," the housekeeper replied.

"Please thank him on my behalf." Abigail carried Arianna out of the house as she spoke. The house wasn't a place in which she belonged, and it certainly wasn't a place for Arianna to stay. Greg has a girlfriend, and he will eventually have his own family and children. Everything that happened five years ago was a misunderstanding, anyway. I'm the one who was tricked into it, so Greg shouldn't be the one handling all of this.

Initially, Abigail wanted to allow the children to interact with Greg since he was their biological father. However, if her actions caused him any trouble, then she figured it'd be better for her to just leave. The kids and I have led a pretty comfortable life for the past five years without him, anyway. Abigail didn't want their presence to disrupt Greg's daily life—she figured that caring for him in this manner would be a way to repay him for the beating he received.

At that thought, Abigail felt rather bad toward Arianna and Alissa. Abigail ran her fingers through Arianna's hair as she spoke in a whisper. "Let's go home, okay, Arianna?"

Arianna froze for a moment before she turned to see her mother's slightly teary eyes that were glistening under the light. Arianna swallowed all the complaints that she had been about to make. "Did something happen, Mommy?"

"No. I just miss home all of a sudden." Abigail couldn't give her young daughter the full details, so this was the best way she could explain herself. When Arianna saw how sad her mother looked, she quickly wrapped her arms around Abigail before whispering into Abigail's ear. "Okay. Arianna will go home with Mommy," the young girl said in her sweet voice.

"That's my girl!" Abigail felt tears burning in her eyes for some reason. She felt rather sorry for herself, although she didn't understand why. Yet, another part of her felt guilty and self-critical due to her daughters' situation. In the end, Abigail sent Greg a text. 'Please get Stanley to send my mother's files to my email. My email address is below. Thank you.'

Marona. She hadn't brought much for her trip since it was all a last-minute plan, so she didn't have much

didn't know what her mother was thinking about, but Arianna was wondering if her father would be fine after they left. She pulled her phone

phone's notification as it was too far away. Arianna was waiting for his reply, so she felt rather disappointed

Abigail got out of the car while Arianna looked at the view of the city longingly. She had never known about this place called Harrion, and

Mommy and Daddy be together? Arianna held this question in her heart without verbalizing it—she was too afraid to ask her mother. Instead, she tottered along behind Abigail as they headed into the airport. Every now and then, Arianna would turn to look behind her. Abigail noticed her daughter's subtle gestures, and she had also seen

for her daughter as she picked the young girl

as they were about to go past the security check, Abigail's phone

to look into her daughter's eyes, so she turned to her

Arianna to the ground before picking the call up. "What

on for much longer." Alissa's sobs came from the other end of the phone, and Abigail felt her

talk, darling. What happened

can't stop it. Come here, Mommy. I'm scared!" This wasn't the first time Alissa went out with Hugh, and the young girl usually wouldn't lose control of her emotions that way. Sometimes, Abigail even wondered

Alissa was bawling and gasping for breath, negative thoughts began to surface in Abigail's mind. "I'll go there right now. Don't

in a tough spot after receiving Alissa's location. With Arianna's asthma, she couldn't follow Abigail over to Rorea as the air there was bad. What should I do? Greg's face immediately flashed across her mind. Abigail didn't want to trouble him,

be at the same level as

heard that Papa is in danger. He'll be fine, right, Mommy?" Arianna's eyes were tearing up as well. Although she was happy to find her birth father, Hugh was someone who played a huge role in their

can't bring you along, so

nodded. She knew her condition well, and she knew that she would only cause more trouble if she went

the phone call, he frowned for a moment. His instincts told him not to pick the call up. Genevieve is dating Cody. This came as a huge blow to Greg, and it gave him the urge to disappear from

but his phone continued to ring. He frowned before putting his cigarette out and walking back to his desk. Abigail's contact number was flashing on the screen. Greg didn't want to pick her phone call up, but he suddenly thought about how Abigail never

He spoke in a raspy

you come to the airport to pick

guys go to the airport?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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