Chapter 66

"What's wrong?" It was the first time he saw Abigail looking so nervous, so he followed her, but then he saw her going into the house next door. That's Greg's home! Stanley knew that, but he didn't dare enter, for Greg's house was not open to just anyone. But Abigail can get in whenever she wants? Who is she to Greg?

Stanley had known Greg for a long time, so he knew Greg had a girlfriend he cared about a lot. He wouldn't care about their relationship if Abigail wasn't his family, but now that he knew she was his niece, he couldn't let anything happen to her. Not after he failed to save Abigail's mother.

Thinking about what Greg had endured at the Mortimer Ancestral Hall for Abigail, Stanley squinted and called Abigail. He wanted to tell her to be careful, but she just wouldn't pick it up.

Abigail didn't know that Stanley was trying to call her, for all she cared about was her daughter, who was in Greg's house. When she ran in, Greg was running out, and he grabbed her arm. "She's awake. You'd better see her."

She had a guess that this was the case, but it still excited her. She put everything aside and strode into the room where Alissa was, but the first thing she saw was Valerie hugging Alissa. She was patting Alissa's back, crying as she did so. "It's okay. Grandma's here."

Alissa was flabbergasted. Instead of seeing her mother, the first person she saw when she woke up was a kind, old woman hugging her sadly. The old lady said 'Thank god you're safe'. And she's patting me like Mommy does. She then remembered what happened before she blacked out, and it scared her. That man is a demon. He wanted to bleed me dry! She shivered.

Valerie hugged her even tighter. "It's alright, Allie. You're safe now. You're home. Your parents took you back. Those baddies can't hurt you anymore." Valerie never expected her first meeting with Alissa to be so eventful, and she couldn't help but cry.

Abigail grew up without the love of her family, and what she saw made her tear up. She did envy her daughter, for she wanted her mother to hug her too. But then, she felt happy as well, for her daughter had no lack of familial love, unlike her. It was fortunate that Valerie and Greg were nice to the kids.

Greg came in and saw the scene, then he looked at Abigail, only to see a bit of envy in her eyes, but there was also happiness in it. For some reason, he felt like something was making him feel frustrated. "Mom, let Abigail see Allie," he said, breaking the silence.

Valerie was a reasonable woman. Since Abigail came in, she quickly let Alissa go and wiped her tears dry sheepishly. "Oh, you're here? Come, Allie wants to see you." She backed away and gave Abigail some time with the girl.

Abigail felt a surge of affection for Valerie.

Alissa bit her lip when she first saw Abigail, and tears welled up in her eyes, but she refused to shed them. She looked just like her mother when she was being stubborn, and it broke Greg's heart. "Are you alright, sweetheart? Do tell your mother if you're hurt. She lost sleep because she was worried sick. She—"

anymore. She pulled the blanket off and leaped out of bed, but Abigail went forward and held

wanted to say. She was hugging Alissa tightly, and the feeling of having almost lost her girl was like a tendril with thorns

scared too. She knew she almost could never see her mother

she waited for

her cheeks like

"I'm sorry, honey. I'm really sorry. I won't let that happen to you

could take the trials and tribulations of being a single mother, but she would never allow her own daughter to suffer so

they were crying, Greg was thinking to himself, That b*stard. I will

there. Make something for Allie to eat. She's gone for so long without food.

surprise to Greg.

I have braised pork? I want the one you make." She

he could say anything, Abigail objected, "You can't have meat in

puppy pout, and her reddened nose made her look even more

a little bite. Just one

see where Greg inherited that love for his children from. They both spoil the kids, and they don't know where to stop. She felt happy that they did, but at the

said, "Mom, Allie's really hurt this time, and she needs to heal. Braised pork is a bit too

love me anymore!" Alissa started crying pitifully

do that, but he had to. He said softly, "Allie, you can have anything you want once you're healed. I'll make them for you.

She was thinking that she would have to spend more energy convincing them if Greg sided with his mother, but instead, he took her side and told Alissa this. She felt touched all of a sudden, for the feeling of being understood and protected was something she yearned for. "Have some porridge for now. Once you're alright, you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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