Chapter 79

Abigail's face darkened, as she really didn't like this man.

At the same time, Ethan's facial expression darkened as well. Then, he turned to face his assistant beside him. "I remember telling you that I don't want to see this woman anymore."

"Yes, Young Master Ethan," the assistant replied and gave the bodyguards a look before all five of the tough-looking bodyguards gathered around Abigail.

Right then, Abigail was so pissed off that she let out a laugh. "Are you sure that you want me to leave?"

Nevertheless, Ethan only gave her a look without even bothering to say anything.

Upon seeing that, Abigail smirked. "Sure. Don't beg me later on, though."

Then, she turned around and left. Meanwhile, Ethan gave his bodyguards a signal before they quickly made their moves toward Abigail.

When he said that he didn't want to see Abigail anymore, he didn't mean that he wanted her to leave. Instead, he wanted her to disappear from this world.

When Abigail sensed their murderous intents, her gaze darkened.

Does this man really think that he owns this hospital and can do whatever he pleases?

Immediately, Abigail revealed the scalpel hidden in her sleeve before she threw it toward the bodyguard closest to her.

With a loud whoosh, the scalpel lodged itself in the bodyguard's shoulder blade before blood started sputtering out, causing everyone to be taken aback.

"I don't care who you are, but I want you to get out of my hospital immediately! From now onward, you or anyone around you won't be welcomed at this place any longer!" Abigail declared authoritatively, while Ethan narrowed his eyes.

What did she just say? Her hospital? Isn't this the best surgeon in the world, Abigail Kain's hospital?

While Ethan pondered with confusion, Abigail's assistant came out from the operation theater.

"Dr. Kain, the preparations are done. When will you be performing the operation?"

"I'm done. The operation is canceled. Get this man and everyone related to him out of my hospital! If they threaten to harm anyone, contact Mr. Cooper and inform him that someone is trying to cause a ruckus at the hospital. If he can't do anything about it, you can contact the president since he still owes me a favor," Abigail instructed coldly before she left without sparing Ethan any second glances.

Are you kidding me? There are all sorts of people who came begging for my help throughout these years, but this is my first time meeting such a calculative and arrogant man. I'm already being really nice to him after all the chaos he had caused in my place!

She was already in a bad mood back in Harrion and wanted to return to recompose her emotions, but what happened just now had further ruined her mood.

assistant, who had a strong

never wanted to offend you. Since all physicians have the heart of a parent, please forgive us, Dr. Kain. Besides, Miss Huntington had been

I'm sure you've misunderstood his instruction, as he wanted me to disappear from this world instead of wanting me to

without waiting for

I came back just to get pissed off again! Why did I even return in the first place? I'm already injured, and Alissa hasn't healed yet,

to herself while walking before coming to the conclusion that it was a mistake

order and contacted the security guards to get Ethan and the others

moment, Ethan's face darkened because it was his first time being treated this way in his

have already killed Abigail, but

to Abigail, there was no one else who could carry out the operation on Zoe's injury with the amount of

assistant stomped their feet on the ground

we do, Young Master

refuse to believe that she can

a team of men

to see who would dare to take Zoe out of this operation theater! Kill anyone who attempts to do so, and I'll take responsibility for

the malicious look on Ethan's face terrified all the nurses in the operation

experienced person, paused when she noticed how stubborn Ethan was. Then, she left everyone, who was in a stand-off with Ethan's men, and

Zoe Huntington is an A-listed celebrity who became extremely popular recently. If

to kill me? Even if I saved Zoe Hunnington, I know that a man like that definitely won't

brewing the tea that she

This is not bad.

asked worriedly, "Are we really not going to do anything for

depends on Young Master Ethan's attitude. Do not care and let him be if he refuses to leave. From the rate of Zoe Huntington's blood loss, she can only live for another three more hours.

had made herself

wanted to save Zoe, he would have to apologize and promise that he wouldn't try to seek any troubles with Abigail before she'd even consider saving Zoe again. If he couldn't do that, he couldn't blame Abigail for not

that she had to uphold her principles as a doctor, there was no way that she'd sacrifice her life for people that were threatening her life. After all, she still had two four-year-old

long time, she understood what Abigail was trying to say right now

her, he

even thinking about? Does she really think

entire hospital if she refuses to operate on

Ethan's strong, murderous

to express Ethan's answer, but Abigail couldn't be bothered

the hospital got extremely tense, and it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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