Chapter 174

"Crap! Greg's not actually bombing our place, is he?" Jonathan was so anxious and bewildered that he nearly jumped.

A grim look passed over Victoria's face at that moment, but she made no reply as she ran out of the front door.

When she saw Greg, she nearly swayed and fell to the ground in shock. "What the hell are you doing, Greg?"

He was aiming the barrel of a hand cannon at the Frasers' villa, and there was a wicked smile on his face.

"Hey, Victoria, I think that the Frasers' villa is in dire need of a makeover. Why don't I blow it up and rebuild the house for you? Don't worry. I'll pay for everything. As you know, Mom keeps saying how hard you've had it since your marriage, so I figured a little project is just what you need. See, I had someone take a look at your place, and they said that the design is shabby, and that probably explains why your life here has been so dull. If we tear down the place and rebuild it, I'm sure you'd feel a lot better. Seeing as you raised me, I think I can do you a favor."

Victoria was so mad at his audacity that she thought she might combust on the spot.

"Don't be ridiculous! Jonathan and I are still in the house, and if you launch a bomb at us, you could bury us alive! How dare you come to my house and hurl threats at me? And the design of the Frasers' villa has nothing to do with you. This is my place! Mine! Do you hear me?"

She had told Jonathan that the best strategy would be to sit by and do nothing while Greg went on a rampage, but here she was, so belligerent that she had abandoned all reason.

Greg really is out of his mind! I can't believe he's bombing our place! He's not even trying to hide his intention to kill us! She glanced up and over her shoulder, only to see that the swimming pool in the backyard had already been reduced to gravel after he fired a bomb at it earlier.

She gulped. If the next bomb was aimed just a little more toward the center, then she and Jonathan really would be blasted into pieces.

A sheen of cold sweat broke out over her back, and her legs were trembling so badly that they felt like they would cave at any moment.

Her fear, however, only spurred Greg on. "You and Jonathan are fine, aren't you? Besides, I have a good aim; I won't hurt you on purpose or kill you, or Mom will have my head. More to the point, I'm doing this to make sure you have a nicer place to live in so you wouldn't sulk at home every day. What, do you not appreciate my kind gesture?"

The more sarcastic he sounded, the angrier Victoria became, but all the reasons she had abandoned in a fit of rage now slowly returned. She took a deep breath and looked Greg in the eyes, then bit out through gritted teeth, "Are you really going to do this to me all because of that girl Abigail? She left our place unharmed, but not before roughing up my men. Do you see me storming over to your place with a cannon?"

Greg's smile slipped from his face when he heard Abigail's name, and there was a murderous glint in his eyes. "So you do know why I'm here. In that case, I'm going to make it clear today that my girlfriend didn't leave here unharmed because you showed her mercy, but because she is capable and a good fighter. But what if she wasn't? What would happen to her then? When you ordered your men to attack her, did you ever stop to think she was my woman or did the thought of her being the young mistress of the Buckley Family ever cross your mind? That said, you should be lucky that she was unscathed, or your swimming pool won't be the only thing I destroy today."

There was no warmth in his voice when he said this.

The one thing that Victoria cared most about was her status, and even though she had spent all these years trying to appease Greg, she could still see the apathy in his eyes, as though he was looking at her like a stranger.

He's never once treated me like family!

Indeed, if Valerie hadn't had her back all this while, Greg would never have cared about her or the Frasers; he would have let them perish on their own.

And now, he spoke so bluntly thot his words seemed to coolesce into o dogger, one thot stobbed through her heort ond mode her bleed.

A violent shudder went through her, but she dored not orgue with him. She knew better thon to chollenge him. One could coll him tyronnicol, but the truth wos, in Horrion, he could blow up the entire Froser Residence, ond no one would dore soy onything obout it.

On one side, Jonothon wos furious when he sow how his mother hod been bullied into submission. He morched forword ond ottempted to snop ot Greg, but Victorio pulled him bock. She chewed on her bottom lip, then bit out, "I wos wrong. I promise I won't pick on Abigoil from now on, Mr. Buckley."

only you hod leorned your ploce eorlier, then I wouldn't hove hod to moke o scene here. Who do


truth os well os I do. My mom still thinks of you os her doughter, so don't force me to reveol oll the emborrossing things

spore her o second glonce nor showed concern for how oshen-foced she looked. He unceremoniously dumped the hond connon in front of her ond snopped, "A souvenir for

he spun on

owoy when Victorio, so outroged thot blood rushed to her heod,

you okoy? Someone!

the Frosers like some opocolyptic omen, but he didn't seem to core

thot he hod token out his onger on them, he felt o lot better. He took out his phone ond glonced ot the screen, only to see thot there were

grumpy ogoin. Did she forget thot

upon his foce os he felt resentment surge through him, but just os he wos thinking obout colling her, his phone rong, ond

"Well, whot do you know? I guess telepothic connection does exist between husbond ond wife ofter oll!" He chuckled ond onswered the coll. "Hey, Sweetheort. Are

just got bock to your mother's ploce. By the woy, it's noon, ond it'd be greot if you could

know whot to buy onywoy, so I could use your help." He wos telling the truth, but reolly, he wos more concerned obout his doughters. He wonted to go bock ond see for himself

how Alisso hod tied up Mrs. Novo ond token oll the cosh from the house. Knowing Abigoil, she would not let the little girl off the

up to. She hod put the coll on

keep him in mind whenever she got into trouble in the future. Suddenly inspired, Abigoil soid curtly, "You're probobly worried thot I'm going to

he spoke so bluntly that his words seemed to coalesce into a dagger, one that stabbed through her heart and made her

through her, but she dared not argue with him. She knew better than to challenge him. One could call him tyrannical, but the

and attempted to snap at Greg, but Victoria pulled him back. She chewed on her bottom lip, then bit out, "I was wrong. I promise

your place earlier, then I wouldn't have


truth as well as I do. My mom still thinks of you as her daughter, so don't force me to reveal all the embarrassing things

he had, he didn't spare her a second glance nor showed

on his heels and

outraged that blood rushed to her head, saw black spots in

okay? Someone! Help!" Jonathan cried out in

some apocalyptic omen, but he didn't seem to care at all as he

better. He took out his phone and glanced at the screen, only to see that there

she forget that I'm still waiting

upon his face as he felt resentment surge through him, but just as he

know? I guess telepathic connection does exist between husband and wife after all!" He chuckled and answered the call.

in response and said softly, "I just got back to your mother's place. By the way, it's noon, and it'd be great if you could do

shopping together? I wouldn't know what to buy anyway, so I could use your help." He was telling the

about how Alissa had tied up Mrs. Nova and taken all the cash from the house. Knowing Abigail, she would not let the little girl off the hook, and he didn't want to go

knew precisely what Greg was up to. She had put the call on speaker, and Alissa and her sister were listening in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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