Chapter 23 You Finally Said Something, Jordan!

The MPV continued to crawl along the congested highway after sending Courtney and her daughter home. Since it was the evening peak hour in Melrose City, there was a traffic jam on their way back. Jordan would normally start to get a little agitated in such a situation, but he was oddly quiet that day. He held a crayon in his hand and was doodling on his tiny drawing board.

he was caught up in his thoughts, Alexander felt a tug on his sleeve and quickly turned toward the children’s safety seat beside him. Jordan had lifted his drawing board up and turned it toward Alexander excitedly. On the blank, white canvas, he drew a man and woman holding the hands of a young child

asked belatedly. Jordan nodded his head furiously in response to this. His cheeks were flushed as he forcefully croaked

collected man, Alexander’s voice was trembling with shock when he spoke. “You’ve finally said something, Jordan!” Jordan had gone mute ever since his high fever three years ago, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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