Third Person & Audrey

Third Person POV

Edwin's Beta, Charles, strode down the hall toward the sound of the voices. Up ahead, nestled into the old-fashioned wallpaper and dark wood moldings, was a cracked open door.

Charles stepped into the dimly lit room to find a scene that he had not expected: three students clustered together amongst the rows of fabric and other supplies. There, he saw her: the girl that Edwin had asked him to find information on.

The other two students were holding her down and attempting to cut her hair.

"What are you three doing?" Charles barked, causing all three students to jump. The girl holding the scissors, a brunette with a pointed face and a guilty look in her eyes, quickly dropped the scissors behind a nearby shelf-but Charles had already seen them.

"Who are you?" the male student, a tall and muscular young man with blond hair and green eyes, retorted.

Charles shrugged. "I'm the person who's going to get you both expelled if you don't leave this girl alone," he said, leaning over a little to get a closer look at the third student, who was currently clutching her black hair and practically trembling. "Are you Audrey Thatcher?"

The black-haired girl nodded. Charles took a step closer, and now that he was out of the doorway, the other two students scurried past him. He didn't bother to give them a second look, although he had already memorized their faces.

"Are you alright?" Charles asked softly. He reached out to touch the girl's shoulder, but she recoiled on instinct, clearly traumatized by what had just happened.

"Y-Yes," she said, a blatant lie-Charles could see the tears blurring her eyes. Here, in the dim light of the storage room, her eyes almost appeared purple in color.

"It's alright if you're not," Charles assured her, glancing down at the dark black splotch of ink on her sweater. "I'll take you to—"

"Really, I'm fine." The girl straightened, her eyes momentarily meeting his. He saw her gaze widen before she quickly looked away and scurried past him, picking up a bolt of plaid fabric laying on the floor. "Thank you, but I have to go. I'll see you in class later, Professor Brooks."

her to tell her that he was not Edwin, but that Edwin had been the one who sent him to speak with her-but it was too late. The girl was already practically running down the hall, her black hair

let him know that the girl he was


Audrey's POV

and for the first time ever, I found myself silently cursing my heeled boots as I bolted back to my dorm. Once there, I quickly changed out of my ruined sweater and into a fresh one, sprinting out and making it to

for what she did to my beloved

him myself for what he had done once class was over, I thought to myself as I settled into

so I busied myself with some studying while I waited. I doubted that there would be much for the teaching assistant to do today aside from handing out the

the bell rang, pulling me out of my reverie. I squinted as I aimed my gaze down the wide lecture hall steps

into a knot at the nape

over at the exit. For a moment, I considered getting up and making a run for it. But it was too late. Without

Professor Brooks. Welcome

saw in the

darted over to the door-but it was already shut, and the class

"Francine Adams..."


"Robert Ainsley."

"Here, sir."

a teaching assistant, not a student. That was a relief, at least; but in the meantime, with my heart pounding like a war drum behind my ribcage, I carefully raised my open textbook in front

escape plans. Perhaps I could feign illness and go out the back door so he couldn't get a good look at my face. Or maybe I could hide beneath my desk until class was over. Or maybe I could just sink straight through the floor with

are you? At the

it was. So he noticed me after

a little lower down into my chair and lifted my book a little higher to cover my face, having decided that it was better

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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