
Chapter 1

TL Note: Hey everyone,

This is my new novel called Overgeared. The name is basically a Korean gaming slang term used to put down users who rely on items for strength instead of skill. It’s hard to find an English equivalent to this term, especially when used in many different situations and contexts throughout the novel. I have decided to go with Overgeared for the title and for when it is used as a noun, etc. a guild name. However, I will go with ‘item effect’, the most accurate meaning, for when it is used in a sentence.

This is a vrmmorpg novel and while it has some of the obvious stereotypes and unrealistic parts, it also does some things differently. People might get annoyed with the mc’s character at first, but he does get a lot of character development. In fact, some of the fun of reading the novel is seeing the MC’s character grow. I think that people who are fans of VR novels like Legendary Moonlight Sculptor and Rebirth of the Thief will enjoy this novel.

Schedule is currently two chapters a day. I’ve also made a glossary to help you keep track, since this is a long novel at 678 chapters and still ongoing.

Thanks, Rainbow Turtle.

Brief overview that I translated from a Korean site:

The basis of this novel is a virtual reality game called Satisfy, developed by the world’s top genius scientist Lim Cheolho and world-class scientists.

The main character is timid, flaky, selfish, cares about money and easily feels jealous of others. Because the author set up the character in this way, the story was difficult for the readers to read.

But as the main character encounters various people and geniuses, he internally matures and his personality changes. If the main character is described as cancerous early on, at present he can be called a mature adult. However, those who don’t read beyond the early parts of the 5th volume (~ chapter 90) find it hard to believe.

The basic settings and story line are similar to other VR novels, but the praiseworthy thing is the content development. The early parts aren’t much different from rival novels, but the novel rating has exceeded the market average in recent years due to the writer’s growth.

Like other novels, it contains a munchkin element, but it is different from typical munchkins. In the early stages, the game progresses with the main character using is class of a legendary blacksmith. The main character expands the game content and the level of the existing users dramatically increase. Hidden talents, new players in the official rankings, classes that could break the balance, all of this makes the main character’s one-man show impossible. The main character grows internally and externally while competing with others.

In fact, if you compare the simple and ignorant battle method in the beginning to his abilities in the present time, it is possible to feel such a sense of distance that he doesn’t seem like the same character.

As for the evaluation of the work, the criticism was severe in the beginning, but the popularity increased rapidly after that. As described above, the improvement in the author’s writing and the growth of the main character led to rapid changes in the comments. However, the main character’s selfish and frustrating behaviour caused many readers to stop reading in the beginning. For the readers who have gone beyond the beginning, it is a tragedy that seems really pitiful.

Currently, its popularity is increasing and a webtoon was recently released. However, there are many criticisms of the webtoon due to the various changes made. For those curious about the webtoon, here is the link to the raws, although only the first 3 chapters are free.


“Five minutes left!”

Eight of the top-ranked players were gathered in one place on the 4th floor of Cork Island’s dungeon. The highest-ranked among them was Peak Sword, who was 16th on the overall unified rankings. Behind them were 200 elite members of the Silver Knights Guild.

It was a spectacular sight of a gathering of users with the combined power to capture a small fortress. But tension and anxiety filled everyone’s faces.

“Four minutes left!”

As time counted down, the nervousness of the guild members reached the peak. They were restlessly shaking their legs and biting their nails. Peak Sword gazed around with dark eyes, the hands holding his sword soaked with sweat.

‘I can’t calm down.’

Cork Island’s dungeon was fully controlled by the Silver Knights Guild, and the boss monster, Hell Gao, appeared on the 4th floor every two weeks. However, Hell Gao was stronger than expected and had a variety of patterns, so they had been unable to succeed in any of their five attempts so far.

Peak Sword and the elites of the Silver Knights strengthened their items with money during the last month, all with the intention of succeeding next time. They were definitely stronger after all the investments, but those who knew Hell Gao’s power couldn’t feel any confidence.

“Three minutes left!”

After three minutes, Hell Gao would appear and this place would turn into a sea of fire. Some of them would even die from just the flames.

“Two minutes left!”

A wave heat started to slowly permeate throughout the room.


Peak Sword wanted to encourage everyone, but he was afraid. He was clearly reminded of the overwhelming appearance of Hell Gao, the staff-wielding boss monster enshrouded in flames.

‘Are we still lacking the power to defeat him?’

It might be different if the power of the top 10 rankers were added, but he couldn’t help thinking that this expedition would fail with their current strength. However, the guild’s best ranker couldn’t show his weakness, so Peak Sword endured it.

‘Do it. We can do it. We are strong!’

Peak Sword steadied his heart and took various buffing potions, with the others following him. It was at that moment.

“One minute left…eh? Intruder! There is an intruder!!”


All of the guild members’ eyes headed towards the entrance. A young man had entered. It was unusual because he was covered by a cloak, with no armor or weapons visible.

‘Did he break through the defensive troops downstairs?’

Was it a highly trained assassin? No, an assassin wouldn’t openly reveal their presence in a place like this. Peak Sword pondered on the name above the head of the black-haired youth. However, no matter how much he looked through his memory, it was an unfamiliar name.

‘He isn’t a ranker?’

Peak Sword glanced at his companions, but they all shook their heads.

‘A non-ranker coming all the way here. Pathetic.’

this conclusion and warned the youth with

Guild. I don’t know how you managed

stealth suddenly disappeared. Was it because I

ignored Peak Sword’s warning and threw off his


The appearance of armor rapidly being equipped on the body of the youth was quite cool. Despite being made of metal, it seemed to be custom fit for the wearer, and its smooth surface was so reflective it was like a mirror. It was an elegant blend of red, black and gold. The particularly unique point was the one-meter long tail that stretched from the vicinity of the tail bone. It was sharp like a blade, and amazingly moving

“W-What, that armor?’

“It’s terrific… Unique grade?”

armor, so the guild members

raised his voice, “That isn’t important right

would soon appear and then nobody would be able to escape from the dungeon. They had to deal with the outsider before that. The moment that the guild members interested in the armor


Gao, the owner of Hellfire, has

Gao’s roar has applied fear, chaos,





surrounded the whole body, half of the guild members either fell into a dying state or burned to the point where they couldn’t even be recognized. Barely

at the notification window that

86%, but to still receive

Sword was feeling despair, he suddenly doubted his eyes. The unknown young man. While the


ran amok and slaughtered the guild members, the young man pulled out a pickaxe, headed to the wall… and

Kaaang! Kaaang!

good form and complained as he

the labor getting worse? Why does the mineral only appear when the boss mob is present? Based on this, I might have to visit a dragon’s lair

man. Peak Sword expected the young man

for the first time and turned his attention to Peak Sword. He said with an irate expression, “Why

seeing now? Peak Sword belatedly regained

man replied like it was

Chaaeng! Chaeng!

on the young man’s armor moved by itself and fought against Hell Gao’s staff. Peak Sword couldn’t close his mouth as he

Chapter 1

the end of a three months journey, I was able to witness the overwhelming

“Wow, what is this?”

took only a few of these, I would become a rich man! I wanted to take all the battle gear, but

item can’t be

“How stingy and dirty.”

despite them being right in front of me! When I put it in my bag, it would return to its original spot like a mirage. This situation was like that of a pie in the sky, or a woman already

I could only stare at the items with

If a user could obtain all of these, Satisfy’s

in the first place. I soothed my mind and turned my


tears dripped down. Thank goodness I had patience and tenacity, otherwise, I would’ve quit the game because of the terrible difficulty of the quest. I felt great pride at the thought of


damn S-grade quest that was impossible to give up! Incidentally, how many deaths have I experienced before on this solo quest? How many

the skills of a dwarf, Pagma achieved the culmination

of the Eternal Kingdom’s

him, I can get the Sun Sword? Once I get it, no one can match me for the rest of my life, you bastards! I will make

as I picked up

acquired the

in a proper state. You can check the details using the Eye of

to use

appraisal item is needed

appraisal items. Six months ago, I had bought it just in case I got a jackpot,


a way to take this gold away, but it wouldn’t

I really can’t salvage anything because of this effective system. The price of

at the book in

the item so do I really need to use an

for a moment before pulling out the Eye of Pallalian. It


[Pagma’s Rare Book]

Rating: Legendary

book that contains the techniques of Pagma, the blacksmith who transcended human limits.

Effects: Become Pagma’s descendant.

Conditions: None.

stats will change

legendary item has been

will rise by 500 across the

My body started trembling.


I discovered it! It was an amazing harvest, given that it was difficult to raise reputation by 100 just

‘Reputation is reputation, but…’

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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