"Miss Shell, according to the results of the examination, your uterus wall is very thin. Therefore, you will suffer massive blood loss from the abortion and it could be life-threatening if the condition is serious. It will also be impossible for you to get pregnant for the rest of your life after the abortion. So, we don't recommend that you get an abortion at all," the doctor said.

Upon hearing this, Kimberly Shell frowned. Sylvia Hanover, who was standing beside her, was shocked as well. She said, "She can't get an abortion?"

The doctor sighed softly and said, "Yes, I won't recommend it. Please think about it properly."

After leaving the hospital, Sylvia frowned and said, "What should you do if you can't get an abortion? Oh my God! This is so annoying!"

Kimberly said, "I've no idea."

"Let me send you back first," Sylvia said.

Kimberly nodded her head. Right after that, she shook her head and said, "Please send me to the company."

When they arrived at Yardley Corporation, Sylvia said, "You go ahead. I'll try to get a second opinion from other doctors."

"Thank you, Sylvia. I'll make a move first," Kimberly said. The receptionists remembered Kimberly because she was there before. So, she had no trouble going straight to the president's office on the top floor. The door of the office was left open. When she was about to knock the door, Kimberly heard someone talking inside.

"The last time I asked you to find that woman, you brought her to me instead. And now, how dare you bring me a woman who has already given birth? Sam, am I not strict enough? Or are you not paying attention to your work?"

Maddox Yardley, who was sitting in front of his desk, scolded. He tapped the desk with his slender fingers and had a domineering demeanour.

Sam Sorrento was standing in front of the desk with his head bowed as he got scolded.

Kimberly hid behind the door when she saw this.

"Young Master Yardley, I really didn't mean to get it wrong. You gave me too little information. So, I didn't want to let any possible woman slip away." Sam felt that he had been wronged. He had been working with Maddox for a long time and had always been very efficient at his job.

find a woman. Since they had no information about this woman, finding her was no

gather information?"

sent a shiver down Sam's spine. He straightened his body and shook his

Yardley, I'll ask more people to look out for that woman. Then, I'll interrogate

Maddox repeated

don't worry. I'll not

after he was satisfied with the answer. Then,

as soon as possible. He couldn't stand

Sam closed the door

corner immediately. He said, "How dare

head and said, "I just happened to hear you talking. By the way,

narrowed his eyes and said, "Miss Shell, I think it's better for you to mind your own business. You're here as a substitution for Young Master Yardley's wife. You're not his real wife. I'm afraid that you can no longer be a young madam if you continue to poke your nose into other people's

a result, Kimberly was so embarrassed

know what I said might sound harsh to you, but it is reasonable, right? Anyway, please don't mention it anymore. Otherwise, I can't save you from the ensuing trouble.1' After saying that, Sam turned around and

about five minutes. Then, she went and knocked

in," Maddox said

she pushed the door open and

front of

realized that the person who had just entered his office remained silent. He frowned and spun

saw Kimberly there. Her

frowned and asked, "What are you doing

looked up and said, "I'm your

and he glanced at her flat

the tie against his chest and asked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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