When Minerva noticed how pale and nervous Vera looked, she questioned, "Why did you rush over to me? Aren't you the one in charge of handling new clients?" After listening to her words, Vera turned even paler. She swallowed nervously and started to explain, "The client specified that he wanted to meet with you..."

Minerva blinked a little in confusion, "Me?"

Vera nodded fervently at that.

She looked drawn and could not for the life of her stop catching her breath. Minerva thought there was more to it though. She didn't think that such a simple demand from a client would render Vera so panicked.

She knew that something was off. That client...

All of a sudden, something snapped into her mind. She could not do anything but stare a little longer at Vera, unable to move her lips.

Vera on the other hand, was chewing on her bottom lip, trying desperately to avoid her gaze.


Minerva felt her heartbeat quicken. She turned to Nash without any hesitation, "Nash, please send Beanie back first. Tell Quill that I have something urgent to attend to. I'll take a taxi back later." "I don't... But Mr. Hanover told me to..." Nash started

to protest.

"Don't worry, Nash. I'm just going to meet a client. I'll take good care of myself. Tell my brother to rest assured."

"Beanie, leave with Nash first. I'll be back a little later to keep you company, alright?"

When Beanie saw the troubled look Minerva and Auntie Vera shared, he nodded meekly without making a fuss, "Okay Mommy. Nash, let's head back first. I'll tell Uncle about Mommy's situation." With that, they departed back home.

Minerva took a deep breath, and redirected her gaze back at Vera.

Vera paled slightly and cast Minerva a terrified look.

Throughout these five years, she had rarely looked at her like that.

Minerva remembered the one time Vera had looked at her the same way was when Minerva had been struggling to give birth and had suffered excessive bleeding when she was giving birth to Beanie. Vera's look unsettled her deeply.

who the client

go then," she sighed, holding Vera's hand

have calmed down

a questioning glance at

thought that Minerva was unusually

quiet. Did this mean...

said, trembling

her head down and

he the person you asked me to blacklist this morning? Minerva, are you sure you want to go see him now?"

soon as she heard this. She raised her head, met

continued, "He's here for business after

know what to say to

grip on Minerva's hand, finally leaning feebly



leaving a stupefied Vera in

not bother

Meanwhile, in the office...

vase of baby's breath placed on the table which made him feel invigorated upon looking


to brace himself for

of high heels sounded from the door. Maddox clenched his

she here?"

the door of the

thought that she would be nervous after meeting him that day. Nonetheless, when she walked towards the office, she was able to remain calm. She

him did not incite much anxiety in

entered the office, she was met by a tall

her. She could tell that he was

at his back for a moment before


stumbled as she entered through the door. She had followed a little too closely behind Minerva and

paused abruptly when Maddox promptly

He was indeed good-looking.

turned to look at Vera and instructed nonchalantly, "Go grab our client some

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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