Chapter 266

She recovered swiftly and was soon discharged from the hospital.

She stood outside the hospital and contemplated if she should head home by taxi or subway. Her lower abdomen was still hurling, and there was a distance from the subway station. However, a taxi would cost far too much.

Anne was instantly overcome by sorrow at the realization that she lived a pathetic life where she needed to act so cautiously over spending a few more bucks.

When she thought of the fact that she could spend the money on buying snacks for the children, she white-knuckled through the pain and headed toward the subway station slowly.

It was barely noon by the time she arrived home, so she returned to her room to rest and made he. self some soup when she started to feel hungry. After taking her medication, she went back to bed to rest.

Anne placed her palm on her stomach while lying on the bed and thought to herself, 'The blood clog has been removed, so why does it still hurt? Did they leave something in there? That's not right. If they missed something, I should still be bleeding right now. It's probably the allergy.'

Though the doctor informed her that she could go back to work immediately after the surgery, it was still just a conservative saying. Technically, one would require rest to recover from an abortion. In the end, she had come close to dying from a seafood allergy, and she simply did not want to go back to the office to see those whom she wished not to see.

certain that Anthony knew about what had happened, considering how severe the

it because Bianca was

been one day since she last saw her children, and she was determined to go

the mirror and studied the red dots glittered across her face

apartment and saw Anne stepping out of the kitchen. The three beamed and shouted in unison,

into her arms, and Charlie even tried to climb up Anne's

nanny chuckled and closed the

What’s that on your

"Mosquitoes bites?"

"There are so many..."

touched her face. "These aren't mosquito bites. I had

come here..." Chloe

certain what her daughter wanted, Anne crouched, and Chloe reached out her chubby


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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