Chapter 319

"It's been two weeks. So, we can do it nnw. stop being so unreasonable." Anthony directly used force.

"Let's just wait...wait..."

"Listen to me if you want to keep your hand," Anthony warned.

"No. Don't..." Anthony cried, dinging to the wall with her hands.

How could she resist Anthony with her strength?

In the end, Anthony still dragged her away, leaving trails of nail prints on the white wall...

Anne realized that whether she offended Anthony or not, she would not have a good ending. It was as if even breathing was a sin.

It was already noon when Anne woke up, and the room was a mess, including herself. She hugged the pillow and cried her heart out, sobbing and choking in tears.

After crying for a long time, Anne finally calmed down. Indeed...she still needed to get out of bed and care for her children after crying. She could not tell anyone what she suffered, pretending nothing ever happened.

Walking out of the room, Anne found her bag thrown in the living room. Then, she took her phone and saw two missed calls.

Both were from Sarah.

and asked, "What's the

see you around, so I called. Where did you go


if you're hiding someone at home and don't want to

her gaze. "Can

need to pay for the caretaker." Sarah acted as if she were not there

to the hospital after lunch, bringing along some

she reached the ward, she heard someone talking inside just as she

It was a man.

so well that he would come and visit her at the

Could it be Ron?

closer, it did not sound like

a bench in

see at

of waiting,

was taking

half an hour later

and could not even react. She did not expect that the

glanced at the bench, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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