Chapter 345 

Her words stopped abruptly.” 

Anne stared stiffly at the dangerous man in front of him,  those black eyes that were as terrifying as a falcon. 

She backed away. 

Anthony came in grandly and stood in front of her,  towering over her. 

Anne looked at him nervously. “Are… you here for  something?” 

She instantly thought of the fact that Anthony was going  to be her brother–in–law and also thought of the  conversation between Anthony and Nigel. 

“You look very happy.” Anthony’s tone was  unfathomable, and she could not tell what his emotions.  were. 

Anne felt pressured by his presence, feeling as if she were 

hundreds of miles deep in the ocean and being crushed by  the water pressure. 

Anne’s eyes flickered. What was that supposed to mean? 

“You are not really that naive to think that with Nigel there, you’re safe, are you?” Anthony grinned. 

Anne took a few steps back in fright. “You… what do you  mean?” 

promised him to leave


are safe,” Anthony said.

looked at him, puzzled, her breathing

approached, pinched her chin,

  1. it. His face was handsome but dangerous. “But it’s hard  to say in the future. What if you take the initiative to find  me? Who knows?” 

don’t force me, I will never go

was not a masochist.

looked down at her, smirking, and said, “Did you already know about

watching the video. I have already learned about the situation

who left Nigel and caused all the problems,” Anne said, thinking

you speaking in

the truth.” Anne knew that Sarah  destroyed the

did nothing wrong in the matter with 

of her lower jaw. “I  didn’t expect the relationship between you and Nigel to  be this close. You


walking away, and

stepped forward and closed

Anthony really leave her

Nigel’s existence

leave Luton. At least she still had freedom!

would not touch  her body

want to make out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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