Chapter 387 

Damian would not be foolish enough to do something, knowing that he would appear suspicious. 

Anne wondered if Anthony had found anything and after what happened at noon, she could not quite ask him about it. 

She had always been wary toward Anthony. 

Anthony had kept his words for Nigel‘s sake, but she had broken the pack and allowed Anthony to touch her, so there might happen again and there would be no end to it. 


Anne sighed with resignation and checked the missed calls on her phone to find that Nigel had called her twice around noon. 

She walked out of the Archduke Group and called him back as she walked toward the subway station. “Dad, what‘s wrong?” “Did you go to work today?” Nigel asked. She subconsciously wanted to hide her track, but the fact that she did not go to work was not exactly a secret, so he would see right through her if she tried to lie. 


“Today‘s not a Sunday. Did you take leave?” 

“I had a bit too much to drink last night during our company‘s gathering. My head is still hurting, so I applied for sick leave today. I just went to the office to take my purse and phone, so I didn‘t get your call.” 

do you ask?” “I‘m

his fiancé, after all.” Anne did not know if Nigel truly cared for her, or if it was Bianca who was trying to learn

Anne immediately knew that he had called because Bianca asked him to.

bad. I just didn‘t want Anthony

not know how she could explain that she was drugged. “Bianca said that you spent the night with Anthony. Is that true?” Anne jumped in shock, uncertain as to how Bianca found out about

side of the road and stared

lied, “...That didn‘t happen. Nothing happened between me and Anthony. Tell Bianca that I‘ve never wanted to steal anything or anyone from her. I just want to live my life.” “Okay. I believe you.” Nigel hung up and went back to the living room. Both Dorothy and Bianca were waiting gloomily as they looked to Nigel for answers. He sat down and said, “I asked Anne, and she said that she wasn‘t with Anthony last night.” “And you believe her? She‘s full of bullsh*t!” Bianca accused. “Yeah. Why would someone say that she was with Anthony if they didn‘t see them together?” Dorothy took her daughter‘s side. “Why didn‘t she answer her phone at noon if nothing happened?” Bianca questioned. “It has to be because she was otherwise engaged.” “That‘s not it. She got drunk last night and left her phone with the CFO,” Nigel explained. “She disappeared for the entire night and you are saying that it‘s all just a coincidence? Dad, you just believe

confront Anne,” Nigel said, “Anthony had made me a promise, and I trust that he won‘t break it.”

know what she is capable of. She used to plant herself in the Royal Mansion shamelessly. You can ask any of the servants the mansion if

trying to insult me?” Dorothy chuckled, “Nigel, you‘ve been extremely sensitive since you arrived in Luton. You have only recently gotten to know that Anne is your daughter, why are you taking

am going back to the office. “Nigel had hurried back home for lunch after

him to be fair. I want him to be on my side no matter what.” Bianca was overwhelmed by rage and jealousy at the moment.

be such a threat when she was far superior in terms of looks and talents. Seeing how frustrated she was, Dorothy suggested, “I‘m just worried that your dad might start connecting with Sarah again through Anne.” “What?” Alarmed, Bianca said, “will Sarah

confident that she would spend the rest of her life with Nigel since she managed to get him to marry her once again all those years ago. “What I‘m trying to say is that children are important to men. Mothers of all time have all won their entitlement and rights from giving birth to an heir. You‘ve just gotten engaged to Anthony, and god knows

Offended, Bianca said, “I‘m perfectly fine!

pregnant, Anne will have no way of getting between you two.” “I will head back to my studio now.” Bianca left the house and drove back

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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