Chapter 390 “Let‘s go back to the room and rest. It‘s late.” Bianca reached out to grab Anthony‘s hand, and he moved away from her touch. 

Her heart sank and when she spotted the wound on the back of his hand, she grabbed his hand in shock. “What happened to your hand? Who did this?” 

“I hit myself by accident. It‘s fine.” 

Bianca could not understand how he could be so severely injured by ‘accidentally hitting himself‘. She was extremely upset that despite her preparation for a passionate night, it became clear that nothing was going to happen. Bianca knew that she was ovulating, and if she wanted a child, she would have to wait for another month to try after this. 

Considering Anthony‘s injury, there was simply no way that they could be intimate and she did not want to appear desperate. 


“Hayden, go grab the medical kit,” she said worriedly, “it‘s an external injury, but you still need to treat it or it will get infected.” 

“I will go for a shower first,” he said. 

“Sure. You don‘t want to get water on your wound after applying ointment onto it.” Bianca waited in the bedroom with a troubled expression as she listened to the sound of water running in the bathroom. 

Thinking that there had to be some proof if Anthony had indeed spent the night with Anne, she walked toward the bathroom and quietly slid open the glass door so that there was a gap for her to peek inside. 

Anthony stood tall inside the shower, with water running down the wild lines of his muscles. 

A few scratch marks on his back came into Bianca’s sight and she immediately realized who had caused it. 

It was Anne. 

with anger and malicious

her, she slowly closed the

that it had happened and actually seeing proof that it

with the realization that they

the symptoms caused by the drug in Anne‘s body and they shared a passionate night together. Bianca had wanted to hurt Anne, but had helped her get closer

twisted with rage. After sleeping through the night, Anne dragged her exhausted body to the office. It hurt whether she sat or stood, because it had been too

She was glad that she could no longer bear children, or she didn‘t even know how many

walked out of the finance department to head to the washroom and she

in the office, she would have to greet

“Mr. Marwood.” 

her with a half–smile, before stopping abruptly as though

around and saw the key in his hand; the keys that opened the door to

it.” He shook the

stared at the key, doubting if Tommy would

it or not?” He

line in the office, she walked over and reached for the

it, something tripped her and she fell forward. Anne widened

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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