#Chapter 40 – Therapy call

That night, I’m not surprised to hear the phone ring in my closet. It’s another unscheduled call – Victor is used to getting what he wants, when he wants it – but he’s starting to develop a pattern with when he needs his therapist.

Checking to ensure that the boys are asleep, I tuck Archie into my lap on the closet floor and pick up the phone.


“Hello,” Victor’s voice is brusk, unsettled, and – as usual – robotic. “Is this a bad time?”

“No, I can talk. The…usual overages, will apply, of course.”

“Yes.” Victor hurries on, dismissing this. “I’m having trouble,” he says, “balancing…well, balancing my life. My responsibilities to the people who I love, who love me.”

“I see,” I say gently. “Did something…happen? To bring about your unsettled state?”

He pauses. “Yes, it did. It’s amazing that you can intuit that.”

I press my hand to my forehead, warning myself to be careful. “Comes with experience,” I say, pushing forward. “Please continue.”

“We had…an incident tonight, I guess that’s the right word for it. My son tripped my fiancé – I don’t think he meant to hurt her, but she was hurt. Everyone was very upset.”

“I am sorry to hear that,” I murmur.

“Thank you. The issue becomes that I took your advice, although it is perhaps also…instinct, knowing that my son was in the wrong. But I backed Amelia, and we left.”

I note, silently, that Victor has – for the first time – accidentally dropped a hint about his identity. “How do you feel about this?”

“Honestly? I feel horribly guilty. The boys were crying so hard when we left, and they accused me – falsely, of course – of not loving them. I know that they’re just kids, and they’re overreacting, and that they will, of course, not think that I don’t love them forever. But I have to admit – it’s just killing me that they think that. Even for one night.”

“That sounds really hard,” I say, my heart in my throat. “As a mom…I can definitely emote with how difficult it is when your sons challenge you like this.” Little does he know that I know precisely what he means, as his sons are, in fact, my sons.

his hand. “Amelia needed me in that moment – I’m glad I stood by her…but how

You just have to do

that mean,” Victor says, and I can hear his frustration. He wants fast, direct

your sons wait for a minute. Sometimes being there for then


flame first.” Silently, I thank Mark for the knowledge and the metaphor.

wait, letting him process the

“Going where

you made the right choice. Your fiancé really needed you – or so it sounds – and it was good that you went with her. It sounds like your son can wait, and

and I wait for a

to be something that throws you off more than anything else. That’s typically when I get these unscheduled calls, when you’re feeling unbalanced, torn by

suppose not,” Victor says, sighing. “It’s rather a…pattern in my life. Well, an old

to tell

way as a child – torn between my allegiance to both my father and my mother. They

a family – I assumed, as is usually the case, that you were eager to reproduce something you experienced when you were young.

Is that what you

ten times,”

in the

in order to fix their childhood trauma. To demonstrate that they can hold it all together, that it is

push. “Do you feel that that applies

pressure, as a child, to hold my parents together – or to be…perfect.

you’d like


I say gently, “you need to find some ways to let them know that it’s okay to mess up, and make mistakes. That

that exactly what I’ve failed to do tonight, when I took Amelias side!?” He

he raises his voice. “I think you need to embrace a little of the chaos.

That just because you don’t attend to them immediately, it doesn’t mean you don’t love them.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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