#Chapter 49 – The Deal

Victor’s car pulls along the gravel drive of the Walsh family home, a palatial estate in the British Georgian theme. The wheels of the car crunch to a stop and Victor’s Beta steps out first, surveying the scene and checking for threats. Seeing none, he signals Victor to come forward.

Victor steps out of the car, buttoning his suit coat as he straightens up. He has only brought two Betas on this trip, an appropriate number for a friendly visit to an allied Alpha’s home. But in his gut, Victor knows that it’s all show. This is no friendly visit.

Evelyn and the boys were distracted today, thank god. She has volunteered at their new school before the Thanksgiving break to help with some kind of pageant. Victor assumed he’d find out about it when he saw it.

Amelia was home, but didn’t seem to care where he was going. Victor counts his blessings for that and, Betas at his side, climbs up the sweeping staircase to the Walsh front door.

John Walsh is there to meet him.

“Kensington,” Walsh says, hands in his pockets as he looks Victor up and down.

“Alpha Walsh,” Victor says, offering the tiniest of bows to this man who is, politically at least, his equal. But Victor knows their shared history and knows that Walsh holds the events of five years ago against him.

“I suppose you’ll have to come inside so we can talk,” Walsh says, turning and heading into the shade of the hallway. It’s barely an invitation, but Victor nods and enters. “You’ll have to forgive me,” Walsh says over his shoulder. “There are no refreshments. I have dismissed my staff for the day. I don’t want them to hear anything about this. My wife and my daughter are likewise absent.”

“I understand,” says Victor, following the other Beta into the living room where they each take a spot on either side of the fireplace. Victor defers to Walsh to start the conversation.

“So,” Walsh says, leaning against the fireplace mantle. “I had thought this embarrassing business was closed, after you humiliated me five years ago in the media. With those pictures of Evelyn. Making it very clear what you were up to the night after her wedding.”

Victor refuses to blush, but meets Walsh’s eyes. “I have apologized for that, Sir. I stand by that apology. It was a mistake, and I…” Victor trails off here. He was about to say that he wished it never happened, but…now that he knows the results, he realizes that the old line is a lie.

Walsh gives a single laugh at Victor, seeing his thought process. “You don’t regret it anymore, do you? Not when it’s yielded you two fine sons.”

Victor stares at Walsh. He figured that Walsh knew – that this was the reason for the meeting – but hearing him say it…

“No,” Victor says. “The are fine boys. I can’t regret them.”

weight off the mantle and straightening up. “They come from good enough stock. Are you sure they are yours? You know, of course, that the marriage between Evelyn

his daughter’s wedding night. “I am sure, sure. The resemblance to me

anything that would have tempted you into marrying her. At the time, I had nothing. Still, it looks like that little b***h finally did something

this, again shocked. His instinct is immediately to jump to Evelyn’s defense, but he

her banishment and I have no intention to change that. But now that I know that two well-bred males have resulted from that

this. “You won’t be disappointed in

looking Victor dead in the eye. “That you’re keeping Evelyn on your property? Out back,

backwards onto his hind foot so that he can get a better look at John Walsh. Hearing about the boys’ existence

Walsh up and down, seeking to understand this man

w***e? Do you keep her out

go wide at this. “Sir, no. Absolutely not. You – you misunderstand me. Evelyn

at Victor, low and mocking. “You fool,” he says, shaking his head. “If you had any wits about you at all, you’d take

this, feeling anger rise within him. “Evelyn is an excellent mother,” he says. “The boys

over it,” Walsh

suddenly, that Evelyn made this precise argument against him

boys’ life, to…” Victor stops himself,

always been bright, willful. She

turns nasty and he points a finger at Victor. “But that b***h, she’s clever. I refused to let her wheedle her way back into

feels himself snarl, leaning forward at Walsh’s words, wanting to protect, to

let her through your door doesn’t mean you have a damn word to say to

with effort, steps away from Walsh, closing his mouth and willing himself to calm. Walsh is

sternly. “Now, to the matter at hand. I’ve called you here to tell you that if you don’t

at this. How could he have not seen this coming? He thought he had time,

heirs,” Walsh says, hands in his pockets. “I married Emma to that useless Joyce after Evelyn was banished and their union was dissolved. But it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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