#Chapter 188 – Unexpected Strength

I gasp as I hear someone scream and can’t help but spin to look – to see what the hell is going on –

There, on the floor – Brent, his leg twisted unnaturally behind him, still raising his gun and working to aim when a Beta –

I scramble backwards on the couch, pushing my boys behind me, doing everything I can to block them as I watch the Beta move forward and knock the gun from Brent’s hand, kneeling down on his shoulder to incapacitate him and waving to people at the door behind him –

Suddenly, two more men enter the room, guns held at the ready, sweeping the room to ascertain the threats against them. One man stands taller than the other – his helmet gone, I can see the dark sheen of his hair as he steps forward –

“Stop,” my father commands, and my head spins to look at him –

To look directly down the barrel of a gun that I realize, suddenly, is pointed right at me.

I gasp, freezing, terror gripping my limbs as I understand what my father is doing. He’s using the same trick that won him any power just hours ago on the battlefield –

Threatening me, my life, as a way to control Victor’s actions.

But this time, my father has my two children under his command as well.

My eyes fly to Victor, who stands steadily at the front of the room, his gun pointed at the floor. His first Beta is busy ensuring that Brent is incapacitated still, but his second Beta has his gun aimed at my father. Directly at his head.

Still, it’s a standstill.

“Let her go, John,” Victor says, the sound of his voice running chills through my body. “You’ve lost this battle. There’s no need to add any more violence to the game, not when it won’t do you any good.”

“I don’t plan to kill her,” my father says, his voice dangerous. “Or the children. Instead, I’m going to take them with me. They are my only ticket out of this house, after all. If I kill them, you’ll kill me. But with them alive…”

My father smirks at Victor, who glowers.

“With them alive,” my father says again, slowly, gloating at his prize. “I have options.”

put them through any more of this. You have lost,

me,” my father says, his voice sharp and cruel. “Then I’ll leave a body count behind me as I run.” He turns his face to me then, smiling

drains of blood at

the possibility. “Because with Evelyn as the final piece

gasp, flinching away, but my father’s hand stays steady, keeping track of my movements,

Kensington,” he growls, “and I swear to god

a glance I

between them. “Make

says immediately. His Betas obey, one now standing uselessly behind

boys behind me also stay still, though I can feel them panting in their panic, their little

– it is my mother’s voice that rings

she says, she pleads. “Please

he hisses, not

the first time in their marriage, perhaps the

says, and for a moment – just a moment – when he spins to glare at her, he is distracted enough for the gun to drift away

a flash of brass in the air

a shout, and then my father’s body

my boys

panting, my back pressed up against the couch as I notice the blood seeping from the back of his

shocked to see my mother breathing heavily, her broken lamp still dangling from the fingers of her left

at my father, to ensure, truly, that he’s knocked out. Then, she raises her head,

if her stare breaks his spell, Victor immediately begins to rush forward. But she raises her hand towards him,

but slows, and complies, his Beta coming to stand next to him. Victor about ten feet

it clear,” she says, her voice sad but even. “Perfectly clear, that I did not do

then nods, letting her know he understands,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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