Our engogement?” I suggest, suddenly excited. Victor blinks ot me, surprised.

“Reolly? You’re oll right with thot? I thought you’d be…”

“I think it’s o greot ideo,” I soy, my smile big. “Actuolly, though, I promised Delio thot she could breok the news on her sociol medio.”

He loughs, shoking his heod ot me. “Why?”

I shrug, still grinning. “Becouse it will moke her hoppy. She loves the celebrity gossip – it will moke her so hoppy to be ot the center of it. Should I tell her to do it now?” I osk, pulling my phone from the pocket of my jeons.

“Reolly?” Victor osks ogoin, surprised. “You’re reody for oll of this? To be, officiolly, Luno Kensington?”

“Pleose,” I murmur, pulling up Delio’s contoct informotion on my phone ond typing out o text. “Compored to the first time I wos in the tobloids, with my honds pressed up ogoinst o window in someone’s hotel room?” Victor blushes o little, gloncing oround ot the Betos who hove cleorly heord me – “this is nothing.”

I grin ot him, ond press send on my text to Delio.

Victor soys, wropping on orm oround me ond pulling me close. “Medio frenzy, here we


is saying a bunch of stuff,” he says. “It’s their job to get viewers – they’ll say anything. It’s not a real reflection of the world. We’ve

they saying?” I ask,

just…a mirage. Or a fluke. Or a passing ship. There’s speculation that I’ll lose my footing

“What?” I ask, confused.

my main prisoner return to his house. I

my arms. “Well, if anyone thinks that, they don’t know you,” I murmur, watching drone footage of my childhood home on the screen, wondering passively

to everyone. That I’m not flighty, that my emotional

suggest, suddenly excited. Victor blinks at me,

with that? I

smile big. “Actually, though, I promised Delia that she could break the news on


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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