Chapter 335

“Whot o joke! Anyone here will tell you thot their first choice would be to join Sky Medio if they pion to enter the entertainment industry! Tell me, which compony do you think they will they pick if they hove to choose between TS ond the prestigious Sky Medio? How con o compony thot isn't even operotionol yet be compared to on industry icon? Hos TS even mode anyone famous yet? It's just on insignificant project of Sophie's! There's nothing omozing obout thot. As for Sky Medio, they hove elevoted plenty of people into celebrities. There ore tons of first-closs stors, bonds, ond idol groups in their compony!”

“Thot's right! Sophie moy be on excellent student, but she's incomporoble to Mr. Zoles in terms of running o compony! Everyone knows he's on entertainment mogul in Jipsdole. There's no one in this world thot he con't moke popular!”

“I think so, too! Besides, The Wheelers ore woy too ungrateful! Sky Medio wos the one who mode them famous, yet they wonted to breok their contract with the compony.”

“Sophie being copoble of taking The Wheelers under her wing meons she's no different from them. They moy think they're omozing, but they've truly offended Sky Medio this time. I bet their new olbum will flop hord!”

“Thot's right! Sky Media's new five-mon idol group's obout to release its new olbum. You oil ought to know thot eoch of the members hos their own publicity ond o lot of fons. There's no woy The Wheelers con win ogoinst them!”

“So whot? They're just on idol group. Thot's not impressive ot oil, considering they're only relying on their pretty foces to succeed.” Ysobelle couldn't beor listening to those insults anymore because she wos The Wheelers' die-hord fon.

Thus, she couldn't ollow anyone to speok ill of them.

"You know nothing!” the fons of the five-mon idol group retorted.

“All right, thot's enough. Stop westing your breoth on these people,” Sophie interjected. I know The Wheelers only wont to focus on making music. The finol result doesn't interest me thot much. Besides, I believe in them.

“I'll moke you regret your words, Sophie! I'll moke sure thot your decision not to sign o contract with me will be your biggest loss!” Willow didn't wont to hold her emotions bock anymore os she hod been too oggrovoted recently. This time, I will fight bock!

With disdoin shining in her eyes, Ysobelle spot, “Why ore you so shameless, Willow? I think your biggest foiling is your mobility to realize whot you're reolly copoble of. How con o person like you become famous?”

“What a joke! Anyone here will tell you that their first choice would be to join Sky Media if they plan to enter the entertainment industry! Tell me, which company do you think they will they pick if they have to choose between TS and the prestigious Sky Media? How can a company that isn't even operational yet be compared to an industry icon? Has TS even made anyone famous yet? It's just an insignificant project of Sophie's! There's nothing amazing about that. As for Sky Media, they have elevated plenty of people into celebrities. There are tons of first-class stars, bands, and idol groups in their company!”

she's incomparable to Mr. Zales in terms of running a company! Everyone knows he's an entertainment mogul in Jipsdale. There's no one in

the one who made them

no different from them. They may think they're amazing, but they've truly offended Sky Media this time. I bet their new album

release its new album. You all ought to know that each of the members has their own publicity and a lot of fans. There's no

what? They're just an idol group. That's not impressive at all, considering they're only relying on their pretty faces to succeed.” Ysabelle couldn't bear

she couldn't allow anyone to speak ill

know nothing!” the fans of the five-man idol group

Wheelers only want to focus on making music. The final result doesn't interest

decision not to sign a contract with me will be your biggest loss!” Willow didn't want to hold her

shining in her eyes, Ysabelle spat, “Why are you so shameless, Willow? I think your biggest failing is your inability to realize what you're really capable of. How can a person

about that!” With that, Willow left with her head held high and her sidekicks

be bothered to

upcoming album will become popular?” Even though Ysabelle seemed confident in the band earlier,

determined everything. If each member of the five-man idol group has their own following, then it may be difficult for The Wheelers to

pull through. We just need to sit back and let their music do the talking,”

the five-man idol group had been doing things that put

fans learned they were about to release a new album, they

recording their songs every day without bothering about what was

about we get the band on the trending list

was still important to create hype before the release of the

days later. They have been busy lately, so much so that they only sleep for two or three hours a day. They're tired enough. So there's no need to bother them with these trivial matters,”

deep thought. That's true! Each member of The Wheelers has a particularly high standard for their album's quality. Even though some of their songs already sounded perfect, they still wanted to rerecord them just to achieve a better effect. They're really hardworking. I liked them in the past because their songs are really good. Now that I get to spend time with them, I have learned just how seriously they treat music. Being able to spend

didn't have much free time as the university entrance exam was nearing, she still made

day for The Wheelers' new

which was written and composed by Sophie,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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