Chapter 68 The Wine Is Drugged

"Now you do." The man smiled and extended the glass of wine.

"Thank you." Emmeline took the glass out of courtesy. He should be someone from the Ryker family, I guess?

"You are very pretty," the man said with a smile. "You caught my attention as soon as you entered the door. A toast to your charms."

The man lifted his wine glass and took a sip, and Emmeline had no choice but to follow suit.

"Your three children look so outstanding. I'm very envious," the man said.

"Heheh, thanks!" She was happy whenever someone praised her children.

"A toast to your three outstanding children."

Emmeline did not refuse the toast and took another mouthful of wine.

"The way you defended yourself and your children earlier was admirable. That deserves another toast," the man said with a smile.

Emmeline frowned slightly. Is he here just to make me drink? But what he said makes sense too. Another glass of red wine won't hurt, would it?

Emmeline downed another mouthful of wine.

"Fantastic! I admire women like you, Ms. Louise," the man said.

Emmeline put her glass away. "I'll have to look after my children. You should go and admire someone else."

"Of course," the man said with a smile. "We can chat later."

Emmeline waved her hand at him. The man took the wine glass and left with a sinister smirk on his face.

"Mommy, you're very beautiful today!" Sun gestured a thumbs-up at Emmeline.

Moon tilted

is meant by a face that can launch a thousand ships." Star's eyes were sparkling with

flatter me."

than spending time with

Emmeline could feel her face

to the garden for some fresh air. I'll be right back," Emmeline said to the children. She lifted her gown and

better, but waves of heat continually assaulted her from

no! I must've fallen into that

he gave me

why is he setting

it was not the time to ask questions. Her first priority was to find an antidote. Otherwise, she would willingly give herself away to the first man she

not bring the antidote to the party with her. It

up her gown and

a herb that could alleviate the

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"Emmeline went to the gerden. The drug must

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"Yes, let's go!"

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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