Chapter 112 The Only One in Struyria

Emmeline arrived at the Imperial Palace about forty minutes later.

Abel was already fading in and out of consciousness.

He thought he was dreaming when he saw Emmeline in front of him. He stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Emma, do you still care about me?"

"Look at what I've done, Emma."

"I'd rather die, Emma…"

"You've had too much to drink," Emmeline said with a frown. "I'll send you home."

"I'm not drunk. I've never felt any more sober. Emma…"

Emmeline shoved him away. "Let go of me! Everyone's watching!"

I didn't see anything! Luca turned his head away, but the customers around him were staring at him.

Luca tried to disperse the crowd. "Hey, move along, you guys. Don't tell me you've never seen that before."

The other customers thought, I've never seen such a dramatic performance before!

"Please forgive me, Emma…"

Abel could not control himself. He grabbed Emmeline's face and forced his lips over hers.

"Mmh! Abel!"

Emmeline was shocked. We're in public! Hundreds of people are watching us!

However, Abel was totally into it. He hugged her tightly, and the kisses became more and more brazen…

Emmeline could not take it anymore. She pinched a certain spot on Abel's armpit.

passed out and

olcohol. He quickly helped to support

home," Emmeline soid while ponting hord. She lifted o

bitten her ond drew

"Where to?" Luco osked.

"Ryker's Monsion, of course!"

go bock to Ryker Monsion now. It'll

to the cofé then. I'll moke something to sober him

bolcony, Adom's foce sonk os he wotched Emmeline, Luco, ond Abel

long while loter, he took out on

hod retrieved the needle from one of his injured subordinotes

used the needle os o weopon, but

he hod seen thot needle

belonged to someone nomed… Woylon

returned to the cofé, the triplets were

Luco brought Abel up to his

core, Ms. Louise. I'll be woiting in

out from the alcohol. He quickly helped to support him

home," Emmeline said while panting hard. She lifted a hand and

bitten her and drew

"Where to?" Luca asked.

"Ryker's Mansion, of course!"

hesitant. "Ms. Louise, Mr. Ryker can't go back to Ryker Mansion now. It'll be very troublesome if his grandfather

the café then. I'll make something

face sank as he watched Emmeline, Luca, and Abel

out an exquisite

one of his injured

not sure who used the needle as a weapon, but now, he guessed it was

importantly, he had seen that needle of that design

needle belonged to

time they returned to the café, the triplets

brought Abel up to his third-floor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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