Chapter 61: Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Settlement

Translator: 549690339 |

The “Heavenly Determination Fist” is a set of martial arts of the Mortal Realm.

It is widely disseminated and characterized by longer bridges, long-handed attacks, jumping and agile, sparkling flexibility, and ferocious fist potential. Its unique power is also torrential and unmatched.

Every wandering martial artist knows a few moves of the “Heavenly Determination Fist,” but none are as comprehensive as that collected by the

Tang Clan.

According to Tang Luo’s judgement, the “Heavenly Determination Fist” is likely a basic skill for a more potent martial arts technique. It needs to be combined with unique skills to fully unleash its power.

Even without unique skills, Tang Luo has made significant advances in the

“Heavenly Determination Fist.”

So thinking about the extraordinary might of the Heavenly Determination Fist,

Pang Yan encouraged himself:

“I’ll definitely win.”

Pang Yan shrugged his shoulders and straightened his back, putting strength through his bones. As he unleashed his power, the spiritual energy in his Dantian wildly swirled at the arms.

A mist-like white spiritual power circulated in his fists, as if Pang Yan’s fists were wearing a pair of spiral-patterned white gloves.

Gathering spiritual power, Pang Yan lunged his arms in a crouch stance. With a right rotation of his upper body and his right knee bent in a half-squat, his left knee straightened to form the bowing stance.

His upper body looked as if it was being pulled back by the Power Fist, while his lower body remained in the bow pose, seeming like a green pine bent by a gale.

Pang Yan’s gaze was cold and stem. A sense of pride surged up his throat, making him utter a roaring sound, sounding like a tiger’s roar. The spiritual energy suddenly stood still.

The emotional cry moved mountains and rivers, a step caused wind and clouds

to form!

A strike fells the tiger with the Heavenly Determination Fist!

energy wrapped around Pang Yan’s body, as if transforming into the shape of a fierce tiger, wrapping Pang Yan


a powerful attack, Chaipeng remained calm. He infused his fists with spiritual energy, held his fists upward, placed them on either side of his waist, and kept

aggressive move and the same level

not be

through the “Heavenly Determination Fist,” why

with his palm, unable to bear

was to come.

could not break through the force of the Punching Tiger. However,

and is known as the number one penetrative move in martial arts of the

they have successfully merged

“Eagle Claw” techniques.

Eagle Claw technique was the “Powerful Eagle Claw,” it should now be renamed as the

Yan charged forward, the distance between

fists suddenly shone with flashes of

“Zzz, zzz.”

couldn’t believe their eyes. Was this the

approaching Punching Tiger energy. The white

apart, Pang Yan’s heart started to sink. But his

taste my “Spiral Shock”! Pang Yan swung his right


Pang Yan’s fist. The spiral energy was shattered

Yan to retreat, but his right


throat. Pulsating with electricity, it exploded


Spiritual Power, released Pang Yan’s

what had happened. He couldn’t turn around, as he was unable to face

Yan’s sudden thought was a reflection of

“Come down.”

a distance brought Pang Yan, who was still standing on the stage in a punching position,

It was

a zombie and returned to the

Tang Luo patted Pang Yan’s

Brother Yan, you were

for that guy’s luck in mastering a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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