Chapter 49 Brother, It’s So Sweet!

How could it be??

Carlie looked towards the name of the top student in the grade.

Upon seeing the name Audrey, her eyes widened, her pupils suddenly constricting as if she had been struck by lightning, her mind going completely blank!

Audrey actually made it into the top three of her grade, and she wasn’t third, but first?

Carlie saw the name listed after Audrey’s.

Corbin became second in the grade, and Kelsey, surprisingly, became fourth in the grade!

Carlie couldn’t believe her eyes, she absolutely didn’t believe that Audrey, the poor student, could score so well!

“Did you have your grandmother buy the answers from the Education. Bureau for you? How could someone of your lousy level possibly rank first?”

No sooner had Carlie finished speaking than Emily, the class teacher who had just walked into the classroom, sternly reprimanded her, “Carlie, the test papers are all sealed uniformly, and the answers only come out after the test. Stop talking nonsense!”

Carlie’s hands, hanging at her sides, clenched into fists. Her facial expression changed like a palette, “But teacher, Audrey suddenly ranking first in the grade really makes one doubt her abilities!”

Audrey said lightly, “Then why don’t you get first place and let people doubt your abilities?”

Carlie was choked up and couldn’t utter a word.

The few girls who had previously spoken for Carlic also returned to their scats.

was impossible to frame Audrey for cheating. After all, everyone in the same examination room as her were poor students, and she was already the

from sixth to last in the grade to suddenly becoming

colorful as a palette, with one hand

fists tightly, her nostrils flaring in anger and humiliation. She gritted her teeth and

“Be good, remember to post an apology under your

returned to her seat, her eyes red and

tough–looking young man beside her. Taking advantage of the class teacher’s inattention, she moved her jade–like

a single pore, her breath when she spoke was like the unripe fruit on the treetops, sweet but with a hint of greenness. He raised his slender hand with distinct knuckles, the tip of his

her forehead, pushing her away, not allowing her

felt a bit depressed. Had she upset him again somehow?

her cheeks, about to take out her textbooks from her backpack, when a milk–flavored lollipop was thrown into her

picked up the lollipop and glanced at

his handsome face with one hand, looking out the window. The back of his head was facing her, so she couldn’t see

gave her a lollipop, was he responding to her being great?

took a bite, and whispered to the boy next to her, “Brother, it’s


card, learning that she had dropped from third to fourth in her grade. She

third and Audrey didn’t do well? Why,

report card. In her mind, Audrey was both stupid and foolish. How could someone who had

student in the grade had been assigned to Emily’s class, she felt


the math team teachers had never seen before. The math team teachers had

the scores of those two

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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