Chapter 56 Imprisoning You Indefinitely

Eden looked up, meeting Sterling’s pitch–black, icy narrow eyes, and shivered unexpectedly.

The chilling, dark aura emanating from him seemed as if it would freeze the surrounding air.

Eden clearly felt his emotions about to spiral out of control and erupt.

Eden swallowed, voicing his nervousness, “Um… could she have sent it by mistake?”

If Audrey had been interested in him, wouldn’t she have accepted his milk and chocolate cookies last time?

Eden, with a strong will to survive, sent Audrey a message: Did you send it to the wrong person?

In less than a minute, I received a reply from Audrey: “Crying face.jpg, I can’t believe I sent it to you, sorry.”

Before Eden had a chance to reply, Audrey sent another message: “Are you with Sterling?”

Eden didn’t dare to reply much, maintaining her aloofness by responding with a simple ‘Hmm.

Audrey: I invited you and Sterling to dinner tonight!

Immediately after, the positioning of Taste of Euphoria was sent over.

the chat history to Sterling, “Audrey sent it to the wrong person, it


11:10 m

together without speaking,

didn’t seem to be very proactive. But if he said

after transferring here and being bullied by Audrey? Is that why you’re

didn’t respond to

a driver to pick up Sterling, who emotionlessly refused. Hands shoved into his pockets, he headed towards the

with him, his face full of regret, and

his dark eyes over the chattering Eden, “Shut up.”

followed Sterling onto the subway, and only then realized that this

found Eden annoying and stood alone

were as if carved by a divine craftsman. He was slightly bowing his head, the hand wearing a mechanical wristwatch holding a mobile phone. He

he exuded an aura of “keep away from


and arrogant temperament made it hard

young girls had been staring at him for

and walked

Fifth High School. I noticed you as soon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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